Investigating Adolescents’ Digital Citizenship through Social Media: (Trans)Formation, Digital Literacy Practices and Influential Factors

The internet's anonymity and unrestricted access facilitates both (a) hacking, online aggressions, and cyberbullying of adolescents and (b) opportunities to learn, socialize, and accept one another. Teaching students to participate in online communities and society (digital citizenship [DC] education) can help them (a) protect themselves from such harmful behaviors and (b) maximize their positive affordances. To provide such education, we must understand the ethically, socially, and culturally meaningful literacy practices that support positive DC. Past studies primarily examined the DC views of individuals (mostly adults rather than adolescents) but not how they actually enact their DC through digital literacy practices across social media and/or social networking contexts, or the factors that influence their DCs. Without such knowledge, properly preparing our young people for DC will be extremely challenging.

年份: 2023 - 2025

项目负责人 -

Dr GU Mingyue Michelle

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD $1,095,862

Towards an Understanding of Second Language Writing Teachers’ Metacognition in Teaching

Metacognition, defined as the individual’s knowledge about cognitive processes and the application of this knowledge for controlling the cognitive process, has a stronghold in educational vernacular. It has been well documented in the literature that metacognition does not develop automatically in students and teachers play an instrumental role in fostering learners’ metacognition to optimize instructional effectiveness. Yet, the literature points to a dearth of teachers who possess adequate knowledge about metacognition at their disposal or the expertise in developing students’ metacognitive capacities. There is an urgent call for more research into the advancement of teachers’ professional knowledge in metacognition to enhance the learning processes of the students. Against this backdrop, the project will examine how teachers integrate metacognitive learning and instruction into the writing classroom; how, and to what extent teachers develop their competence in metacognitive writing instruction; and what factors influence teachers’ development of competence in metacognitive writing instruction.

年份: 2023 - 2024

项目负责人 -

Dr MAK Wing Wah Pauline

Capacity: PI

Amount: $737,140

弥合差距:研究内容和语言整合学习 (CLIL) 与护理教育中的跨语言和跨符号教学法的有效性

国际化在高等教育中越来越受欢迎。双语课程在 第二语言被用作教学媒介的地区风靡已久。内容(即学科知识)和语言(即第二语言)整合学习就是其中一种双语课程。内容和语言整合学习在各地中小学的研究及实践成果丰硕,但在大学阶段的相关研究却有待发展。研究表明,以英语为教学媒介的护理学教育常因语言障碍效果欠佳。鉴于研究空白及在新冠肺炎后医护教育的重要作用,我们迫切需要在护理学教育中进行内容和语言整合教学的研究。 因此,本研究将调查内容和语言整合学习对准护士内容知识和语言发展的影响,其中使用的内容和语言整合教学法将借鉴跨语言和跨符号的最新理论发展进行设计。本研究将采用准实验设计,招募五名在香港以英语教学的护理学院教职员工及其教授的两组准护士参加。其中,研究团队将与护理学教职员设计两个主题的课程,并使用跨语言和跨符号化启迪下的内容和语言结合教学法作为教学干预。第一研究阶段将侧重与护理学教职员分享内容和语言整合教学的原则。第二阶段,在研究团队的支持下,参与的教职员将实施两个单元的教学干预。第一组准护士在第一个学习单元为实验组,第二组准护士则为对照组。而在第二个学习单元中,对照组与实验组互换。第三阶段是评估阶段。研究团队将通过前后测、师生访谈及课堂互动记录评估在该护理学课程中内容和语言整合教学的有效性。研究结果将促进双语大学教育、护理学教育的教学效能,以及推进跨语言和跨符号的理论与实践发展。

年份: 2021 - 2023

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD731,844


反馈是教学和学习的核心,也能促进学生学习的发展。反馈有效性的核心在于「学生反馈素养」。「学生反馈素养」被定义为学生拥有所需的理解力、能力和性情去理解反馈信息并利用它来增强学习。 在第二语言写作语境中,譬如在中国内地和香港,将写作过程压缩成单一草稿的单稿写作非常普遍。传统反馈的主要方法在于教师进行单向的知识传输。虽然自我评估和同伴评估可让学生掌握自己的学习和评估方式,但这不是常见的做法。因此,目前的教学方法限制了学生发展他们有效使用反馈评估能力的机会,还阻碍了学生反馈素养的发展。在这种背景下,我们需要更多的研究, 譬如在教学环境中,学生如何以及多大程度发展他们的反馈素养,以及学生的这种发展如何改善他们写作。此研究成果具有相当重要的意义,因为如果反馈不能发挥其促进学生学习的作用,就会失去其目的。 尽管对学生反馈素养的实证研究被视为十分重要,但此研究,尤其是在第二语言写作方面,尚未得到充分的探索。拟议的研究采用跨学年的案例研究设计,将在香港两所小学的六个小五班级进行。研究参与者包括每所学校同年级的所有教师和学生。 该研究将利用多种数据来源,包括对校长、英语系主任、教师和学生的个别访谈、与学生的刺激回忆法、课堂观察、写作档案文件、学生写作档案和学生有反馈的写作草稿。 因此,拟议的项目有三个目标:1)香港小学学生如何透过使用写作档案来提高反馈素养; 2) 这种反馈素养发展对学生在文本修订和写作能力提高方面的影响; 3) 什么因素会影响小学学生反馈素养的发展。 拟议的研究将有助于丰富学生反馈素养的有限文献,并可为提高学生反馈素养提供教学意义,这将提升学习者能动性并改进其写作。研究结果将引起香港和世界各地教育机构的教师教育者、学校领导、研究人员和教师的兴趣。

年份: 2021 - 2023

项目负责人 -


研究员: HKD661,240

Preparing pre-service language teachers to teach critical thinking: An ethnographic case study in Hong Kong

This project seeks to investigate how student teachers are prepared to teach CT in a pre-service language teacher education programme in Hong Kong. Adopting an ethnographic case study design and informed by an ecological perspective on teacher education, the project will explore how student teachers learn to teach CT in relation to their programme coverage, coherence and applicability. The project will also draw on multiple perspectives from language teacher educators and programme leaders/coordinators to discover how CT is integrated with their situated teacher education curricula. Such an ethnographic design not only can contribute to our understanding of CT, but can also generate insights into the dynamic, complex process of teacher learning across different sites, influenced by a range of institutional and socio-cultural factors.

年份: 2019 - 2021

项目负责人 -

Dr YUAN Rui Eric

研究员: PI

金额: HKD614,740

The Identity Construction Experiences of Teachers of English to Young Learners in Mainland China

This project responds to the need for research into the teaching of English to young learners (TEYL), defined as children between the ages of 5-12. Despite the significant increase in popularity of TEYL globally, including mainland China, our knowledge of how TEYL is implemented, the attitudes of teachers, and the challenges they face is scant. This project, therefore, addresses this gap in our understanding of English language teaching and learning by exploring the experiences of one group of primary school English teachers in mainland China. A particular contribution of this project is to examine the experiences and perceptions of teachers of English to young learners using the theoretical lens of teacher identity. The results of this project will be of interest to policy makers, teacher educators, school authorities, researchers, and teachers of young learners themselves, both in mainland China and analogous educational settings worldwide.

年份: 2019 - 2021

项目负责人 -

Dr TRENT John Gilbert

研究员: PI

金额: HKD614,033


The project investigates the expectations and experiences of home-school relations amongst different groups of ethnic minority students in Hong Kong schools.

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr TRENT John Gilbert

研究员: PI

金额: HKD716,564

The interplay of language-in-education policy, language ideology and linguistic practices within discourse of internationalization in higher education – a comparative study

年份: 2018 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr GU Mingyue Michelle

研究员: PI

金额: HKD623,992

Focused written corrective feedback in Hong Kong secondary classrooms

年份: 2018 - 2019

项目负责人 -

Dr MAK Wing Wah Pauline

研究员: Co-I

金额: HKD591,992

The identity construction experiences of novice English language teachers in Hong Kong

This project will investigate the experiences of eight English language teachers in Hong Kong during their initial years of full-time teaching.

年份: 2016 - 2018

项目负责人 -

Dr TRENT John Gilbert

研究员: PI

金额: HKD221,472

Psychological and sociocultural adaptation and experience of international students in Hong Kong

年份: 2014 - 2016

项目负责人 -

Dr YU Baohua

研究员: PI

金额: HKD531,750

Second Language(s) Learning Motivation and Identity Construction of Ethnic Minority Students in Hong Kong

年份: 2014 - 2016

项目负责人 -

Dr GU Mingyue Michelle

研究员: PI

金额: HKD368,500

Learning to Listen in EMI: The Effects of Strategy Instruction on Strategic Behaviour and Learner Uptake

In English Medium Instruction (EMI), students learn content subjects (e.g., Science, Geography) through English, which is their less familiar second language (L2). The underlying assumption is that students can gain both content subject knowledge and L2 English. However, according to recent research, this dual goal is not always attained. This study investigates how learning and teaching can be improved in the EMI classroom by providing students with listening strategy instruction (SI). It is hypothesised that students who underwent SI can learn to listen strategically and comprehend the teacher's input more effectively. The results of this study will give rise to pedagogical implications, highlighting what learners can do to become more strategic listeners and how teachers can support them in developing their strategic repertoire.

年份: 2023 - 2025

项目负责人 -

Dr FUNG King Tat Daniel

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD $975,180

Role of Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) in Hong Kong University Students’ Perceptions of English as an International Language (EIL)

由于技术的进步及其日益增长的可供性,利用科技进行课堂以外的英语学习和教学在电脑辅助语言学习(CALL)和向其他语言使用者教授英语(TESOL)在近期有很多研究 (Lai, 2017; Reinders & Benson, 2017)。PI将这一新兴现象称为非正式数码英语学习(IDLE),它被定义为在非结构化的课外环境中进行自主的、自然主义的数码英语学习(Lee, 2019a, 第116页)。与此同时,英文作为第二语言或外国语言(ESL/EFL)的学习者与来自不同语言和文化背景的英语使用者交流已变得越来越普遍。在此背景下,Matsuda(2017)从英语作为国际语言(EIL)的角度强调了英语的功能维度,它大致包括两个构念,即对英语种类的认知和跨文化交际的策略能力。虽然当代的ESL/EFL学生作为真实的EIL使用者,越来越多地参与到一系列的跨文化交流中(例如,通过社交媒体或数码游戏与不同的英语使用者交谈),但迄今为止,这方面的研究还很少。在PI先前研究的基础上(Lee, 2019a; Lee & Drajati, in press; Lee & Lee, 2019a, 2019b),这项研究旨在通过调查香港大学生中IDLE和EIL两个维度之间的关系来填补目前的空白,香港大学生通过IDLE活动越来越多地体验到英语使用者不同的口音(Yung, 2019)。采用顺序解释混合方法的研究设计,通过问卷调查(N = 400)、开放式问题(N = 400)、半结构式访谈(N = 40)和刺激回忆(N = 40)的方式,从两所大学的20个ESL/EFL班级收集资料。本研究运用CALL、社会语言学、TESOL等跨学科研究方法。在理论上,本研究帮助我们更好地理解和进一步理论化使用技术的非正式语言实践与当代学生对EIL的认知之间的关系。从研究的角度来看,三角式资料会为我们提供详细的见解,让我们了解学生参与IDLE活动是如何有助于发展他们对EIL的看法。在教学方面,这些发现将为英语教师如何更好地为当代英语学习者线上或面对面环境中的跨文化互动做好准备提供实用的见解。此外,由于传统的EIL教学法似乎局限于课堂环境,研究结果将扩大目前的EIL教学法模式的范围,使其超越课堂环境。

年份: 2020 - 2022

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD453,150

Towards an Understanding of EFL Teacher Educators' Expertise in Hong Kong

This ECS project, drawing on a complexity theory and adopting an ethnographic case study design, seeks to explore teacher educators’ expertise at different stages of their career and how they (re)construct their expertise through different forms of professional practice (eg, teaching, research and practicum supervision) across time and contexts. The study will make a theoretical contribution to our understanding of teacher educator expertise by shedding light on its subject-specific and context-sensitive nature as well as its developmental process mediated by various influencing factors at personal, institutional and societal levels. The study can also generate implications on how to support teacher educators’ professional development at different stages of their career in higher education.

年份: 2017 - 2018

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD416,000

Impact of short-term study in mainland China programme on Hong Kong local university students’ intercultural competence, perception and attitude about mainland China, and national identity

年份: 2018 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr. GU Mingyue Michelle

研究员: Co-I

金额: HKD594,435



年份: 2020

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD$458,735

Assessment as Learning through Portfolio Assessment in the Second Language Writing Classroom

年份: 2021 - 2023

项目负责人 -

Dr MAK Wing Wah Pauline

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD1,124,244

Multimedia annotations for vocabulary acquisition: Modes, modalities, application, effects and pedagogical implications

年份: 2018 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr. ZOU Di

研究员: PI

金额: HKD774,430.4

The Effects of Family Socialisation on Second-Generation South Asian Adolescents in Hong Kong: Academic Identity Construction and Second Language Learning

年份: 2018 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr. GU Mingyue Michelle

研究员: PI

金额: HKD1,022,200

Learning Autonomy and Cross-border Adaptation of First Year Mainland Students in Hong Kong Universities

年份: 2017 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr. YU Baohua

研究员: Co-I

金额: RMB10,000

Understanding the nature and impact of teacher and peer feedback on student translations in Chinese EFL context: A multiple case study

年份: 2017 - 2019

项目负责人 -

Dr MAK Wing Wah Pauline

研究员: Co-I

金额: MOP420,000

Digital Archive of English Language Learning Histories

年份: 2014 - 2017

项目负责人 -

Dr. John TRENT

研究员: Co-I

金额: HKD1,232,000

Multilingualism & Mobility in the Northern & Southern Hemispheres

年份: 2015 - 2016

项目负责人 -

Dr. GU Mingyue Michelle

研究员: Co-I

金额: HKD120,000

Negotiating Multilingual Identities in Migrant Professional Contexts

年份: 2012 - 2013

项目负责人 -

Dr. GU Mingyue Michelle

研究员: Co-I

金额: HKD120,000

Spacing effects in L2 vocabulary learning (Gorilla Fund 2020)

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: USD500

Developing implicit and explicit knowledge of L2 case-marking

年份: 2015

项目负责人 -

Dr. John Rogers

研究员: PI

金额: USD2,000

Translanguaging and Trans-semiotizing Pedagogies in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Multimodalities-Entextualisation Cycle as a Method

年份: 2021 - 2022

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD125,000

A New Approach to Content-based Language Teaching and Learning: Integrating Spherical Video-based Virtual Reality into the Flipped Classroom

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD150,000

The effects of task-relevant input on L2 interaction, performance, and development. Principle Investigator (Andrea Révész, Co-I)

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD125,000

Developing a personalized vocabulary learning system based on the checklist of technique feature analysis

年份: 2017 - 2018

项目负责人 -

Dr. ZOU Di

研究员: PI

金额: HKD100,000

Who Succeeds at University? Modelling Transition Effects of First Year Students’ Learning Experiences and Learning Outcomes at the Education University of Hong Kong

年份: 2016 - 2017

项目负责人 -

Dr. YU Baohua

研究员: PI

金额: HKD100,000

Toward a multidimensional model of acculturation, willingness to communicate and adaptation: A longitudinal examination on mainland students in Hong Kong Universities

年份: 2014 - 2016

项目负责人 -

Dr YU Baohua

研究员: PI

金额: HKD100,000

Hong Kong Teachers' Opinions about Using Translanguaging and Transsemiotizing in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

年份: 2021 - 2022

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD30,000

Linguistic and Cultural Collaboration between Ethnic Minority Students and Local Majority Students in English Learning: An Exploratory Study in Hong Kong

年份: 2021 - 2022

项目负责人 -

Dr JIANG Lianjiang

研究员: PI

金额: HKD30,000

The Validity and Use of C-test in L2 English Research: A Systematic Review

年份: 2021 - 2022

项目负责人 -


研究员: PI

金额: HKD30,000

Extramural English and language learning outcomes: Cross-cultural comparison between Sweden and Korea

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr. LEE Ju Seong

研究员: PI

金额: HKD$28,607

Reviewing game-based vocabulary learning and vocabulary learning in virtual environments

年份: 2017 - 2018

项目负责人 -

Dr. ZOU Di

研究员: PI

金额: HKD30,000

Understanding teacher students learning motivation, strategies and outcomes in Hong Kong and Mainland China

年份: 2013 - 2015

项目负责人 -

Dr. YU Baohua

研究员: PI

金额: HKD30,000

Hong Kong Secondary School Students’ Perceptions about Using Translanguaging and Trans-semiotizing in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

年份: 2021 - 2022

项目负责人 -

Dr LIU Yiqi

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD50,000

Investigating pre-service teachers’ digital literacy competence and teacher identity construction

年份: 2021 - 2022

项目负责人 -

Dr GU Mingyue Michelle

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD50,000

Engagement in Online English Learning: Relationships with ICT use enjoyment and Learning Outcomes

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -

Dr YU Baohua

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD50,000

Linguistic demands in EMI assessment

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -

Dr FUNG King Tat Danial

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD50,000

An exploratory study on EMI teachers’ professional challenges and needs in Hong Kong

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr GU Mingyue Michelle

研究员: Co-PI (Dr. Gu Mingyue Michelle, Dr. YUAN Rui Eric)

研究员: Co-I (Dr. LEE Ju Seong)

金额: HK$50,000

Coached versus uncoached negotiation of meaning in a French FL classroom

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -


Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD5,000

Does the provision of cookies influence students’ evaluation of teaching?

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -


Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD2,000

Exploring the effects of a short-term overseas immersion program: The case of Hong Kong student teachers

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr. LEE Ju Seong and Dr. ZOU Di

研究员: Co-PI

金额: HKD50,000

Scaling Up: Piloting a web-based teacher-training platform for 100 primary and secondary preservice and in-service English teachers

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr TAYLOR Timothy

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD43,000

A study on the validity and reliability of contributory factors and outcome indices of non-local students’ adaptation in Hong Kong

年份: 2018 - 2019

项目负责人 -

Dr. YU Baohua

研究员: PI

金额: HKD50,000

Role of Willingness to Communicate in Adaptation of Asian International Students in Hong Kong Universities: Changes and Causes

年份: 2017 - 2018

项目负责人 -

Dr. YU Baohua

研究员: PI

金额: HKD50,000

Implementing the Secondary English Language Curriculum in Hong Kong under a new era (Phase 2)

年份: 2016 - 2017

项目负责人 -

Dr. WONG Ming Har Ruth

研究员: PI


Starting from Scratch: Implementing the Secondary English Language Curriculum in Hong Kong under a new era (Phase 2)

年份: 2015 - 2016

项目负责人 -

Dr. WONG Ming Har Ruth

研究员: PI

金额: HKD50,000

Starting from Scratch: Implementing the Secondary English Language Curriculum in Hong Kong under a new era (Phase 1)

年份: 2014 - 2015

项目负责人 -

Dr. WONG Ming Har Ruth

研究员: PI

金额: HKD50,000

Changeable or not? Teacher Beliefs of Chinese EFL teachers on Task-based Learning

年份: 2013 - 2014

项目负责人 -

Dr. WONG Ming Har Ruth

研究员: PI

金额: HKD30,000

Engagement and Collaboration of University Students in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study

年份: 2021

项目负责人 -

Dr YU Baohua

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD80,000

Self-Regulated Vocabulary Learning: Effects, Challenges, and Strategies

年份: 2021

项目负责人 -


Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD80,000

Exploring Student Feedback Literacy Development through Writing Portfolios

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -

Dr MAK Wing Wah Pauline

Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD79,999

Spacing effects in learning revisited: A temporal ridgeline for learning L2 vocabulary

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -


Capacity: PI

Amount: HKD80,000

Student-developed Digital Video Projects as a Way to Promote Students’ Autonomy and Digital Literacy Skills

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr YU Baohua

研究员: PI

金额: HKD70,000

Generative use of vocabulary in web-based and paper-based collaborative and individual writing

年份: 2018 - 2019

项目负责人 -

Dr. ZOU Di

研究员: PI

金额: HKD80,000

Unpacking student self-assessment: What are the self-assessment processes and how do they work?

年份: 2017 - 2019

项目负责人 -

Mr. Sterling Shaffer WU

研究员: Co-I

金额: HKD250,000

Sorry I can’t help it: The teaching of Vocabulary

年份: 2012 - 2013

项目负责人 -

Dr. WONG Ming Har Ruth

研究员: PI

金额: HKD30,000