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ECE Department Signs MoU with the Third Kindergarten of Chengdu


Department of Early Childhood Education  signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Third Kindergarten of Chengdu on May 31, 2024. The signing ceremony was held at the  The Education University of Hong Kong. The document was signed by Ms WANG Yu, Vice Principal of the Third Kindergarten of Chengdu, and Prof. LEE Kerry, Head of the Department of Early Childhood Education.

This three-year agreement encompasses facilitating training for pre-service and in-service teachers and co-designing and co-delivering academic programmes.

The Third Kindergarten of Chengdu was founded in 1914. It is a first-class kindergarten in Chengdu city and recognized as an exemplary kindergarten in Sichuan Province. The kindergarten is famous for its play-based pedagogy and its museum which displays the history of preschool education of mainland China over the last century. Their educational reforms have won a number of provincial and national teaching awards.