Jockey Club Youth Academy for Special Educational Needs (JCYASEN)
Jockey Club Youth Academy for Special Educational Needs (JCYASEN)
Service Introduction:
The Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education (CSENIE) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) has successfully applied The Chief Executive’s Community Project List 2019 with support from The Education Bureau and Hong Kong Special Schools Council, and received funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for the establishment of The Jockey Club Youth Academy for Special Educational Needs (JCYASEN) (the Academy). The Academy offers SEN secondary school leavers an on-campus training programme with a series of practical courses and training opportunities to promote lifelong learning, self-management and life skills for the 21st century. In addition, the Academy will provide a platform for EdUHK students and relevant stakeholders to work with the Academy’s students to advance social inclusion.
Details please click here .
RITHA Specialist Programme Asia 2021 (Block 1)
Radbound International Training on High Ability
(RITHA) (English only)
Service Introduction:
This programme is recognized by the European Council for High Ability (the ECHA), Radboud University as a part of the RITHA Specialist Programme.This programme aims to help develop your role as a teacher and/or counsellor of gifted students/people and to assist you in implementing gifted programmes in your own learning environment. Educating Gifted and Talented Youth, the first module of the RITHA Specialist programme, covers all important aspects of gifted education, such as identifying issues in gifted education, the social and emotional development of gifted students, gifted education programme design and policy. It contains 53 hours of self-study (e.g. reading, assignments), 24 hours of online instruction (e.g. online lectures, online discussion forum) and a 3-hour final exam online.
Details please click here .

悅學伙伴協作計劃 (Chinese only)

「陪着你走 跨過障礙」計劃 (已完成)
「陪着你走 跨過障礙」計劃簡介 (Chinese only)
推行日期:6 / 2018 – 5 / 2019

ROBOT4SEN 計劃 (已完成)
ROBOT4SEN計劃 (Chinese only)

特殊學校校本教材電子化計劃 (已完成)
特殊學校校本教材電子化計劃 (Chinese only)
2019年9月28日 電子書計劃成果分享會:

Supporting Unit for Special Educational Needs (SuSEN)
Supporting Unit for Special Educational Needs (SuSEN)
To build effective SEN (Special Educational Needs) tools and approaches in the teaching sector by establishing a “support service unit” providing clinical support to children and families, and practical training opportunities for student teachers.
Tseung Kwan O Study Centre, The Education University of Hong Kong, G03, No.1, King Yin Lane, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong.
Contact Number: 2190 8680
Fax Number: 2190 8566
E-mail address: susen@eduhk.hk

Special Educational Needs Empowerment Project for Pre-Service Teachers (Project has been finished)
Special Educational Needs Empowermnet Project for Pre-Service Teachers
The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), together with the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), have been subsidized by the University Grants Committee Funding Scheme on Teaching and Learning Related Initiative to run the “Special Educational Needs Empowerment Project for Pre-service Teachers” for 2 years (2017-2019) and which is launched in September 2017.
This project is expected to benefit 1200 pre-service teachers in EdUHK and HKBU, and is organized by the Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education at EdUHK and the Centre for Learning Sciences of the Department of Education Studies at HKBU.
The project aims at using the Service Learning Model to develop their positive attitude and master the teaching skills, enhance their confidence and ability in caring of students with different learning needs and meet the challenges of integration education.
Contact & Inquiry: Ms. Kwan
Phone: 2948 8422
E-mail: senep@eduhk.hk

The Jockey Club SMILE Project
(Project has been finished)
The Jockey Club SMILE Project
Supported by the Education Bureau (EDB), the Jockey Club SMILE Project received funding of over HK$10 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust as one of the Chief Executive’s Community Projects 2012/13. Jointly launched by the Centre of Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education (CSENIE) and the Department of Special Education and Counselling (SEC) at EdUHK. The three-year project is providing school support services with a view to enhancing the development of inclusive education. Centre staff provide on-site support for teachers, staff development programmes and talks for parents in relation to the handling of students with AD/HD and intellectual disabilities.