Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE) (formerly Centre for Special Needs and Studies in Inclusive Education) was established in the summer of 2000.
The ISNIE is a self-financed Institute with expertise and research interest in inclusive education and special needs. The mission is to promote the betterment of inclusive education. The commitments in providing professional educational support and training for school teachers and establishing partnerships with parents contribute to the goal of ensuring each child to have access to a quality and holistic schooling.
Click here to download "悅學伙伴協作計劃簡介單張"
Jockey Club Youth Academy for Special Educational Needs (JCYASEN)'s publications are now open to read online and download:
1. 賽馬會特教青年學苑成果分享集(Click here to read online (Chinese version only)
2. 賽馬會特教青年學苑認識生涯規劃初探之認識傳統探索未來(Click here to read online (Chinese version only)
Click here to download "認識自我創未來 - 4C 個人資源評測報告 Report Generator"
Introduction video clips for using "認識自我創未來 - 4C 個人資源評測工具", please refer to the Chinese version of the website for more details |