Date 2024-06-15
Time 9:30 - 12:30
Tel 94788254
Venue The Education University of Hong Kong, Tai Po Campus Lecture Hall, D3-LP-07


Enhancing Equality in Learning Opportunity – Develop effective school-based enrichment programmes for under-achievers with high ability in low social economic status

Dissemination Rundown

Date: 15th June, 2024 (Saturday)

Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 am

Venue: The Education University of Hong Kong, Tai Po Campus, Lecture Hall, D3-LP-07


1. Dissemination

2. Sharing of participants

3. Keynote

‘ Gifted-isation in and of the regular curriculum ’

Speaker: Dr. Patrick Hak-Chung Lam, Chief Principal, ELCHK Lutheran Academy, the former Associate Director of HKAGE

4. Keynote

‘ Caring for Diversity and Building on Love ’

Speaker: Professor Kenneth Sin Kuen-Fung (MH),the Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling (SEC), Executive Director of Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE)

5. Symposium

Certificate Presentation *(Seed teachers, network teachers and network teachers must attend the ceremony in person)


Information of Speaker (1)     For more than 30 years, Dr. Lam has served as a reflective practitioner in the field of education and has held positions as external school reviewer in the Ministry of Education in New Zealand for 2 years, the Associate Director of Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education for 6 years, and senior management at schools for 14 years. Dr. Lam served on a number of committees and various task forces under the Curriculum Development Institute, HKSAR Education Bureau. He delivered over 500 seminars, workshops, and conferences in tertiary institutions, schools, and parent groups in Hong Kong, China, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, the US, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, Spain, and Dubai. Dr. Lam is currently engaged in active service to our community. Apart from part-time lecturing at HKBU and CUHK, he is a member of the Board of Directors (Honorary) of Watoto (Asia), an international charity organisation for Uganda, Africa. He is also the advisor to the International Programmes of The Education University of Hong Kong and a member of the advisory committees of various government departments.


Information of Speaker (2)     Professor Sin is the Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling (SEC), Executive Director of Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE) and Executive Co-Director of Academic for Educational Development and Innovation (AEDI) at The Education University of Hong Kong. His expertise and research are in the areas of supporting students with special educational needs and professional development in inclusion.

He has great consultancy experience in many local research projects as well as the training work for teachers teaching children with disabilities in Mainland China and Macau. He also successfully got a number of research projects and commissioned programs in the areas of special needs and inclusion. He once led a project valued 51 million Hong Kong Dollars for three years funded by the Education Bureau. It aims at advancing the inclusion by organising a wide range of professional development programs at different levels for Hong Kong teachers.

He also takes part in many community activities, in relation to special needs and inclusion. He was invited to be the school council members of some special schools, members in some task groups for giftedness, inclusion, special needs and child welfare in Education Bureau, Curriculum Development Institute, Hong Kong Examination Assessment and Authority and Social Welfare Department. He is also appointed as the executive members, committee members or chairs in many NGOs for serving kids with special educational needs, persons with visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual disabilities, autism and behavioral difficulties. He is the chairman of the Hong Kong Special Education Society.






Greeting/Sign in


Welcoming speech (Professor SIN, Kuen Fung Kenneth, Department of Special Education and Counselling)


Photo Time


Dissemination report


Seed School Teacher sharing



‘ Gifted-isation in and of the regular curriculum ’

Speaker: Dr. Patrick Hak-Chung Lam


Coffee Break



‘ Caring for Diversity and Building on Love ’

Speaker: Professor Kenneth Sin Kuen-Fung (MH)


Certificate Presentation


Programme End


Language: English, Cantonese

Contacts: Miss. Aileen CHEN mobile: (+852) 2948 8675; email:

Registration:Please submit the online form