Faculty of Education and Human Development

CCRI Roundtable: 15-year Free Education: Quality and Quantity of Early Childhood Education


Date: 21 November 2011 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Venue: E-P-01
Medium: Cantonese
Facilitator: Dr. Cheng Pui-wah, Doris
Title and Speaker:
Prof. Lee Chi-kin, John (Vice President (Academic), HKIEd)
Education Reform: Opportunities and Challenges for Teacher Development

Dr. Cheng Pui-wah, Doris (Director of Center for Childhood Research and Innovation)
Young Children’s Learning under the Drive of Marketization
CLICK HERE to download the powerpoint (PDF Vision)

Prof. Ho Lok-sang (Professor of Economics,Lingnan University)
The Desirability of 15-year Free Education: from the Perspective of Social Efficiency 

Dr. Kam Sau-wan, Sanly (General Manager of Child Development and Education Core Business, Hong Kong Christian Service)
Models of Multi-educational Service
CLICK HERE to download the powerpoint (PDF Vision)

Ms. Leung Chi-kin, Gloria (Service Head of Pre-school Education and Child Care Service, Caritas – Hong Kong)
Quality and Quantity of Quality Early Childhood Education
CLICK HERE to download the powerpoint (PDF Vision) 

Prof. Wong Po-choi (Associate Vice-President (Development), Hang Seng Management College)
15-year Free Education: from the Perspective of Parents
CLICK HERE to download the powerpoint (PDF Vision) 

Dr. Yuen Wai-wan, Gail (Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, HKIEd)
Understanding Free Early Childhood Education from Parents’ Choice

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