Faculty of Education and Human Development

Dr. Mindy Blaise

Associate Professor
Dr. Mindy Blaise .
B.S. (Elementary Education) Texas A&M University
M.A. (Curriculum & Instruction) Seattle University
MEd (Curriculum & Instruction, ECE) Columbia University
EdD (Curriculum & Instruction, ECE) Columbia University
Office: B2-1/F-06
Tel: 7951
Email: blaise@ied.edu.hk
Research Interest(s):
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • Genders/sexualities
  • Postfoundational theories (postdevelopmentalism, poststructuralism, posthumanism)


Research / Projects

Jan / 2012   Global childhoods: Portraits of living and learning in Asia in the 21st Century
Jan / 2012   Researching postcolonial childhoods across Hong Kong, Australia, and Canada with Affrica Taylor and Miriam Giugni, Canberra University, AUS; Veronica Pacini-Ketchabow and Sylvia Kind, University of Victoria, Canada; Lesley Instone, University of Newcastle, AUS.
Jan / 2010   Professional Learning Program: Contemporary Child Development Theory
Jan / 2009   Beyond tourism: Singaporean/Australian early childhood educational research relationships
Jan / 2009   Evaluation of Early Start Kindergarten Partnerships
Jan / 2008   Generating multiage pedagogies with the City of Melbourne’s early childhood teachers
Jan / 2007   Engaging with early childhood scholars to reconceptualise practice
Jan / 2007   Leading Professional Learning
Jan / 2006   Exploring post-developmental pedagogies in early childhood: A case study of how 7 early childhood teachers are transforming practice
Jan / 2006   Investigating the experiences amongst stakeholders in family grouping models in the City of Melbourne
Jan / 2006   Provision of Expert Research and Advisory Panel to Support the Literacy, Numeracy, and Special Needs
Jan / 2006   Sex and relationships education: A healthy subject?
Jan / 2006   Young children’s understandings of gender and sexuality
Jan / 2001   Provocations and possibilities in early childhood teacher education
Jan / 2000   Challenging gender in the classroom….with young children.
Jan / 2000   Developing research relationships with teachers
Jan / 2000   Locating, sustaining, and disrupting gender discourses: A feminist poststructuralist study of gender in two kindergarten classrooms


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

 Research book or monograph

2013   Brooker, L., Edwards, S. & Blaise, M. (Eds.) (Forthcoming, 2013, August). The SAGE Handbook of Play and Learning. London: SAGE Publishers.
2013   Blaise, M. & Nuttall, J. (Forthcoming, June 2013). Teaching across the early years, 2nd ed. Melbourne: Oxford.
2012   Taylor, A., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., & Blaise, M. (Eds). (forthcoming; 2012, June). Relating childhood to the more-than-human world. Special Issue, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood.
2011   Latham, G., Blaise, M., Dole, S., Faulkner, J., and Malone, K. (in press). Learning to teach: New times, New practices. 2nd Rev. Ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
2010   Blaise, M. & Nuttall, J. (2010). Teaching across the early years. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
2007   Taylor, A. & Blaise, M. (Eds.) (2007). International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood: Special Queer Issue, 5 (2), The Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood, Melbourne University.
2006   Latham, G., Blaise, M., Dole, S., Faulkner, J., Malone, K., and Lang, J. (2006). Learning to teach: New times, New practices. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
2005   Blaise, M. (2005). Playing it straight!: Uncovering gender discourses in the early childhood classroom. NY: Routledge Press.


 Chapter in an edited book

2013   Blaise, M. (forthcoming, 2013). Gender, sexuality, and play. In L. Brooker, S. Edwards, & M. Blaise, (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Play and Learning. London: SAGE Publications.
2011   Blaise, M. (in press). Activating micropolitical practices in the early years. In R. Coleman & J. Ringrose (Eds) Deleuze and Research Methodsologies, Deleuze Connections Series. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
2011   Blaise, M. & Ryan, S. (in press). Using critical theory to trouble the early childhood curriculum: Is it enough? In N. File, J. Mueller, & D. Wisneski (Eds.) Curriculum in Early Childhood: Reexamined, Rediscovered, Renewed, NY: Routledge.
2011   Blaise, M. (in press). Inclusive practices. In Latham, G., Blaise, M., Dole, S., J. Faulkner, and K. Malone. Learning to teach: New times, New practices. 2nd Rev. Ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
2011   Blaise, M. (in press). Worldviews of teachers. In Latham, G., Blaise, M., Dole, S., Faulkner, J., and K. Malone. Learning to teach: New times, New practices. 2nd Rev. Ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
2011   Blaise, M. (in press). Teachers as theory makers. In Latham, G., Blaise, M., Dole, S., Faulkner, J., and Malone, K. Learning to teach: New times, New practices. 2nd Rev. Ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
2010   Blaise, M. (2010). Designing to scale: When size matters. In G. MacNaughton, S. Rolfe, & I. Siraj-Blatchford (Eds.), Doing early childhood research: Theory and practice.An international perspective, 2nd Ed. (pp. 209-219). NY: Allen & Unwin.
2010   Blaise, M. (2010). Creating a postdevelopmental logic for mapping gender and sexuality in early childhood. In S. Edwards & L. Brooker (Eds.) Engaging play (pp. 80-95). Buckingham: Open University Press.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009). Infant care and sexuality. In T. Cooke (Ed.), Sex and Society Encyclopedia. London: Brown Reference Group.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009). Parenting roles and sexuality. In T. Cooke (Ed.), Sex and Society Encyclopedia. London: Brown Reference Group.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009). Revolutionising practice by doing early childhood politically. In S. Edwards & J. Nuttall (Eds.) Professional Learning in Early Childhood Settings (pp. 27-47). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
2007   Blaise, M. (2007). Gender & equity: An Australian perspective, In R.S. New & M. Cochran (Eds.), Early Childhood Education: An International Encyclopedia. Volume 4, The Countries, (pp. 906-908). MA: Greenwood Publishing Company.
2006   Blaise, M. (2006). Those who are in, those who are out, and those who are seldom seen. In Latham, G., Blaise, M., Dole, S., Faulkner, J., Malone, K., and Lang, J. Learning to teach: New times, new practices (pp. 66-95). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
2006   Blaise, M. (2006). Teachers as theory makers. In Latham, G., Blaise, M., Dole, S., Faulkner, J., Malone, K., and Lang, J. Learning to teach: New times, new practices (pp. 96-138). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
2006   Blaise Ochsner, M. (2006). Developing reciprocity in a multimethod small scale research study. In G. Mac Naughton, S. Rolfe, & I. Siraj-Blatchford (Eds.), Doing early childhood research: Theory and practice. An international perspective. (Chinese language version). Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House.
2005   Blaise, M. & Andrew, Y. (2005). How ‘bad’ can it be?: Troubling gender, sexuality, and teaching in early childhood education. In N. Yelland (Ed.) Critical Issues in Early Childhood (pp.49-57). Berkshire, UK: Open University Press.
2005   Blaise, M. (2005). Performing femininities through gender discourses. In. B.B. Swadener & L. Diaz Soto (Eds.) Power and Voice in Research with Children (pp.105-116). NY: Peter Lang.
2005   Ryan, S., Ochsner (Blaise), M., & Genishi, C. (2005). Miss Nelson is missing!: Teacher sightings in research on teaching. In S. Grieshaber & G. Cannella (Coordinadoras). Las identidades en la educacion temprana: Diversidad y posibilidades. (Traduccion J.J. Utrilla). Fondo De Cultura Economica: Mexico.
2001   Genishi, C., Ryan, S., Ochsner (Blaise), M., & Yarnell, M.M. (2001). Teaching in early childhood education: Understanding practices through research and theory. In V. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (4th ed.). (pp. 1175-1210) Washington D.C.: American Educational Research Association.
2001   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2001). Developing reciprocity in a multimethod small scale research study. In G. Mac Naughton, S. Rolfe, & I. Siraj-Blatchford (Eds.), Doing early childhood research: Theory and process. An international perspective. NY: Allen & Unwin.
2001   Ryan, S., Ochsner (Blaise), M., & Genishi, C. (2001). Miss Nelson is missing!: Teacher sightings in research on teaching. In S. Grieshaber & G. Canella (Eds.), Embracing identities in early childhood education: Diversity and possibilities. NY: Teachers College Press.


Journal Publications

 Refereed Journal Article

2012   Blaise, M., Leung, V. & Sun, CR (in progress). (Re)considering literacy activities in a Hong Kong kindergarten.
2012   Taylor, A. & Blaise, M. (in progress). Playing like a dog: Working to derail humanism.
2012   Blaise, M., Leung, V. & Sun, CR (in progress). (Re)considering literacy activities in a Hong Kong kindergarten.
2012   Bone, J. & Blaise, M. (under review). Live export: Prisoners, children, animals, and other posthuman connections.
2012   Yelland, N., Blaise, M., Andrew, Y., Chan, C. (under review). “We spend more time with the children than they do…”: Living and working as a foreign domestic worker in Hong Kong.
2012   Taylor, A., Blaise, M. & Giugni, M. (2012). Haraway’s ‘bag lady story-telling’: Relocating childhood and learning within a ‘post-human landscape’. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 34(1), 1-15 iFirst article.
2012   Blaise, M. & Taylor, A. (2012). Research in review: A queer eye for early childhood. Young Children.
2010   Blaise, M. (2010). Kiss and Tell: Gendered narratives and childhood sexuality. Special Sexualities Issue: Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 35(1), 1-9.
2009   Edwards, S., Blaise, M., & Hammer, M. (2009). Beyond developmentalism: Early childhood teachers’ understandings of multi-age grouping in early childhood education and care. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 34, (4), pp. 55-63.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009). What a girl wants, what a girl needs: Responding to sex, gender, and sexuality in the early childhood classroom. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 23 (4), pp. 450-460.
2007   Taylor, A. Blaise, M. & Robinson, K. (2007). Making trouble: A conversation about departing from the straight and narrow in early childhood. International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood, 5 (2) pp. 32-46.
2007   Blaise, M. & Elsden-Clifton, J. (2007). Intervening or ignoring: Learning about teaching in new times. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 35 (4), 387-407.
2007   Blaise, M. (2007). Show-and-tell: Showing power and telling gender. Redress: Journal of the Association of Women Educators, 16 (1), 28-32.
2005   Blaise, M. (2005). A feminist poststructuralist study of children ‘doing’ gender. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 20 (1) 85-108.
1999   Ochsner, M. (1999). Gendered make-up. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, (1), 2, 209-213.
1999   Ryan, S. & Ochsner, M. (1999). Traditional practices, new possibilities: Transforming dominant images of early childhood teachers. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, (24), 4, 14-20.

 Non-refereed Article

2009   Berry, A., Blaise, M., Clemans, A., Loughran, J. Mitchell, J., Parr, G., Riley, P., Robb, D. (Eds.). (2009). Leading professional learning: Cases of professional dilemmas, Volume II. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009). Privileging teacher knowledge. In Berry, A., Blaise, M., Clemans, A., Loughran, J. Mitchell, J., Parr, G., Riley, P., Robb, D. (Eds.). Leading professional learning: Cases of professional dilemmas, Volume II. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
2008   Andrew, Y. & Blaise, M. (2008). The role of men in children’s play. Every Child, 14, (4), p. 15.
2008   Berry, A., Blaise, M., Clemans, A., Loughran, J. Mitchell, J., Parr, G., Riley, P., Robb, D. (Eds.). (2008). Leading professional learning: Cases of professional dilemmas. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
2006   Blaise, M. (2006). Contextualising early childhood education. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, (31), 3, (ii).


Conference Papers

 Refereed Conference Paper

2013   Blaise, M. (under review). Troubling strange trans-species encounters in the postcolonial contact zone. Paper submitted for review to the SIG: Postcolonial Perspectives as part of the proposed symposium, “Working with Posthumanist Perspectives to Reconfigure Postcolonial Childhoods and Pedagogies”, with M. Giugni, V. Pacini-Ketchabow, & M. Somerville, & A. Taylor. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April/May 2013.
2013   Blaise, M. & Bone, J. (under review). A Posthuman Perspective on Ethical Responsibility: Using ‘Live export’ as a Provocation for Early Years Teachers. Submitted to the SIG: Critical Perspectives in Early Childhood Education, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April/May 2013.
2012   Blaise, M., (2012, April). De-colonizing and de-westernizing gender in Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 13-17, 2012.
2012   Blaise, M. (2012, April). Activating micropolitical practices in the early years: (Re)assembling participant observations. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Doing Deleuze: Exploring Qualitative Research Methodologies in Education”, with B. Colemen, J. Ringrose, E. Renold, D. Mellor, A., Jackson, L. Mazzei, Masny, & M. MacLure, American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 13-17, 2012.
2011   Blaise, M. (2011, October). Grappling with contact zones of species assemblages: dogs/humans, children/adults’, as part of the symposium, Working with Haraway: Towards a collective ethics and politics of care. International Reconceptualising Early Childhood Education Conference, East London University, London, UK.
2011   Blaise, M. (2011, April). ‘Racing’ and ‘classing’ gender and sexuality research in early childhood. Paper to be presented as part of the symposium, Problematising the sexualisation of girls discourse: beyond the moral panic?, with J. Ringrose, E. Renold, C. Charles, Gender and Education Conference, Essex, UK.
2010   Blaise, M. (2010, November). Exploring the extra/ordinary: Activating micro-political practices in the early years. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Extra/ordinary challenges: Childhoods, globalisation and education in the 21st Century, with N. Yelland, S. Salmarsh, S. Grieshaber, S. & A. Taylor. The Australian Association of Research in Education, Melbourne, Australia.
2010   Blaise, M. (2010, July). Becoming girl/dog: How a Deluzian/Guattarian-inspired logic works in the early years classroom. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Critical engagements: Play, pedagogy and participation, with J. Ailwood, S. Grieshaber, & S. Rogers. Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Hangzhou, China.
2010   Blaise, M. (2010, May). The (im)possibilities of researching gender and sexualities in early childhood education. Paper presented at the Early Childhood Education and Development SIG, American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
2010   Blaise, M. & Taylor, A., (2010, May) Working like a dog: Derailing humanism. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Embodying Deleuze in early childhood, with J. Bone, C. Cervoni, A. Hickey-Moody. G. Ivenson, E. Renold, & D. Youdell. Critical Perspectives in Early Childhood Education SIG, American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
2009   Taylor, A., & Blaise, M. (2009, July). Becoming worldly: Dog-girls. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Hope as desiring to become otherwise, with G. Dahlberg, L. M. Olsson, M. Giugni, Z. Milleiu at the International Reconceptualising Early Childhood Education Conference, Bethlehem, Israel.
2008   Ryan, S. & Blaise, M. (2008, November). Teaching images: Is it time to reinvent what it means to teach young children? Paper presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas, November 5 – 8, 2008.
2008   Andrew, Y., Blaise, M., Houghton, A., Hydon, C., Newman, B., Rundle, D., Sheehan, M. (2008, October). Standing tall: Doing early childhood leadership and advocacy. Paper presented at the Early Childhood Australia National Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, October 3-6, 2008.
2008   Taylor, A., Blaise, M., & Gunn, A. (2008, October). Queer theory and early childhood? Paper presented at the Early Childhood Australia National Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, October 3-6, 2008.
2008   Blaise, M. (2008, September). Desirable research?: Reworking g sexualities research in the early childhood classroom. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association National Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
2008   Blaise, M. (2008, September). Desirable research?: Re-imagining sexualities research in the early childhood classroom. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Problematising the methodological terrain: The limits and possibilities of poststructural ethnographic research on young non/normative sexualities in educational settings, with E. Renold, D. Youdell & J. Ringrose, J. Sexualities SIG: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
2008   Blaise, M. & Edwards, S. (2008, March). Researching with young children, families, and teachers: Some practical approaches. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New York, New York, March 23-28, 2008.
2007   Blaise, M. & Ryan, S. (2007, November). Gender equity strategies: Why are they still needed? Paper presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois, November 7 – 10, 2007.
2007   Blaise, M. (2007, March). Queering the straight subject in the early childhood classroom. Paper presented at the Gender and Education Conference. Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, March 27-30, 2007.
2006   Blaise, M., Taylor, A., & Robinson, K. (2006, November). Queering early childhood education. Symposium presented at the 14th Annual Reconceptualising Early Childhood Teaching, Research, and Practice Conference. Rotorua, New Zealand, November 24-30, 2006.
2006   Blaise, M., Edwards, S. & Hammer, M. (2006, November). Troubling early childhood teachers, researchers and early childhood professionals about conducting collaborative research with children and families Paper presented at the Honoring the child, honouring equity 6: Cultures, challenges, and changes in troubling times Centre for Equity and Innovation Conference, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia. November 16-18, 2006.
2006   Blaise, M. (2006, April). “Going to the dogs”: Re-imagining discourses of gender and sexuality in the kindergarten classroom. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
2005   Blaise, M. (2005, October). Queer pedagogies for the early years. Paper presented at the conference Schooling and Sexualities Conference: Ten Years On. Deakin University, Melbourne University.
2005   Blaise, M. (2005, April). Uncovering the heterosexual matrix in the early childhood classroom. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
2004   Blaise, M. (2004, November). What do we show and what do we tell?: Gender performances in a kindergarten classroom. Paper presented at the Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood Conference, Pushing the boundaries for change, honouring the child, honouring equity: 4. The University of Melbourne, Australia.
2003   Blaise, M. & Andrew, Y. (2003, April). How bad can it be?: Troubling gender, sexuality, and early childhood teaching. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
2003   Blaise, M. (2003, April). Getting “unstuck”: Complicating gender in early childhood. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
2002   Blaise, M. & Andrew, Y. (2002, November). Being “bad”: Subverting early childhood Practices. Paper presented at the Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood Conference, Honoring the child, honoring equity 2: Risking change to make a difference, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
2002   Ochsner (Blaise), M & Ryan, S. (2002, November). Traditional practices, new possibilities: Rethinking the purposes of curriculum strategies and materials in the early childhood classroom. Paper presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children's 2002 Annual Conference, New York, New York.
2002   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2002, April). Locating, regulating, and challenging gender discourses with(in) early childhood curricula. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
2001   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2001, November). Cultural challenges for gender equity. Paper presented at the Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood Conference Honoring the Child, Honoring Equity Conference, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
2001   Ochsner (Blaise), M. & Ryan, S. (2001, November). Children’s gendered play: Challenging old ideas and sexist assumptions. Paper presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s 2001 Annual Conference, Anaheim, California.
2001   Ryan, S., Genishi, C, Lobman, C, & Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2001, October). Power plays: Multiple readings from popular and school cultures. Paper presented at the Tenth Annual Reconceptualizing Research, Theory, and Practice in Early Childhood Education Conference, New York, New York.
2001   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2001, April). Crossing gender borders and blurring gender boundaries: A case study of gender-bending in an urban kindergarten classroom. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
2000   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2000, November). Equal opportunity for all?: Examining both the potential and limitations for children’s social learning during free play with respect to gender issues. Paper presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s 2000 Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
2000   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2000, April). Seductions and temptations: How gender influences research methods. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
2000   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2000, April). Girldom, boydom, queendom, kingdom: Rethinking gender research and practice in early childhood education. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
1999   Ochsner (Blaise) M. (1999, October). Gender-bending as social action: Possibilities and limitations of gender-bending. Paper presented at the Research on Women and Education 25th Annual Conference: A Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York.
1999   Mac Naughton, G. & Ochsner (Blaise), M. (1999, June). Seeking power: The politics of feminisms in early childhood education. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Reconceptualizing Research, Theory, and Practice in Early Childhood Education Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
1999   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (1999, April). Something rad and risqué: A post-structural feminist study of gender in an urban kindergarten classroom. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
1998   Ochsner (Blaise), M. & Bailey, C. (1998, June). Resisting the simplistic: Employing research and theory to re-imagine early childhood education. Paper presented at the Tenth Annual Conference on Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education, The University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
1998   Ochsner, M (Blaise)., Ryan, S., & Genishi, C. (1998, January). Cultural images in research on teaching: Questioning dominant representations of early childhood teachers. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Reconceptualizing Research, Theory, and Practice in Early Childhood Education Conference, Honolulu, HI.
1997   Ochsner (Blaise), M. & Ryan, S. (1997, October). Feminisms and teaching: The ambiguities of working within a female dominated profession. Paper presented at the conference of Feminism and the Academy: Building Bridges to the World Outside, Columbia University, New York, NY.
1996   Malter, M., Ochsner (Blaise), M., Ryan, S. & Genishi, C. (1996, October). Representations of Children: Resisting Simplicity. Paper presented at the conference of Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education: 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Madison, WI.
1996   Ochsner (Blaise), M. & Fassler, R. (1996, October). Is power beside the point, or is it the point? A closer look at the call to integrate conflict resolution programs into early childhood classrooms. Paper presented at the conference of Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education: 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Madison, WI.

 Other Conference Paper

2012   Blaise, M. (2012, August). ‘Good’ sons and daughters in Hong Kong: What this tells us about gender and sexuality. Invited presentation at the Department of Early Childhood, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
2012   Blaise, M. LEUNG, V., & SUN, C.R. (2012, August). Insider/outsider perspectives of researching literacy activities in a Hong Kong kindergarten. Invited presentation as part of the Global Childhoods Collective Symposium, funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
2012   Blaise, M. (2012, July). Let’s talk: Dialoguing about gender and sexuality as a method for deimperialization. Invited research presentation at the annual Pacific Early Childhood Research Association Conference. Singapore.
2011   Blaise, M. (2011, July). Developing a diffractive methodology. Invited research seminar presented to the Furthering Early Childhood Education and Learning Research Group, Peninsula Campus, Monash University, Australia.
2010   Blaise, M. (2010, September). Postdevelopmentalism: What is it and why is it necessary? Invited research seminar presented as part of a postgraduate seminar series at the University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009, November). Doing risky work: The significance of taking a political and ethical stance towards heteronormativity. Invited keynote address to launch the publication of R. DePalma & E. Atkinson’s (Eds.) Interrogating heteronormativity in primary schools: The no outsiders project. Hosted by the Institute of Education, University of London, UK
2009   Blaise, M. (2009, November). The (im)possiblities of researching gender and sexualities in the early years. Invited research seminar for the Childhood and Gender/sexualities Research group at Cardiff University, UK.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009, October). Mapping moments of resistance in gender and sexuality research in the early years. Invited research seminar for the Gender/sexualities Special Interest Group, Institute of Education, University of London, UK.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009, October). Developing a Deleuzian/Guattarian-inspired postdevelopmental logic in the early years. Invited research seminar to be presented at Froebel School of Education, Roehampton University, co-hosted by the Centre for Early Childhood Research and the Centre for Equality, Politics and Policy. Roehampton University, London, UK.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009, October). Developing proactive pedagogies in the early years. Invited research seminar presented at the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Oslo University College, Oslo, Norway.
2009   Blaise, M. (2009, May). Research design as personal and political. Invited research presentation to address postgraduate research students. Hosted by the Monash Educational Research Community, Monash University.
2008   Peers, C. & Blaise, M. (2008, October). Australian Early Development Index: Brave new world? Invited presentation at the symposium, Interrogating the AEDI, sponsored by the Furthering Early Childhood Research and Learning Research Group at Monash University.
2008   Blaise, M. (2008, September). So sexy, so cool: Exploring young children’s understandings of gender and sexuality in the early childhood classroom. Invited research seminar at the Froebel School of Education Research Seminar Series, Roehampton University, London, UK.
2008   Blaise, M. (2008, July). Researching with early childhood teachers: Some possibilities. Invited to present community-based research at the Connections and Collaborations Research Forum, Monash University.
2007   Blaise, M. (2007, May). Engaging with sexualities in early childhood. Invited keynote address given at the Social Justice in Early Childhood Conference, University of Western Sydney, May 12, 2007.
2003   Blaise, M. (2003, April). “What a girl wants, what a girl needs…”: Kindergarten girls tell it like it is. Invited paper presented at the SIG: Early Education and Child Development Business Meeting at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
2002   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2002, June). After locating gender in the early childhood classroom, now what?: Possible actions and interventions. Invited keynote address presented at the Annual Geelong Kindergarten Teachers' and Assistants’ Association, Geelong, Australia.
2002   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2002, May). Researching gender in early childhood classrooms. Invited paper presented at the Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood Research Seminar Series. University of Melbourne, Australia.
2001   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2001, November). Reflections on using feminist poststructuralism as a conceptual framework for analysing data. Invited paper presented at the Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood Postgraduate Research Seminar Series. University of Melbourne, Australia.
2001   Ochsner (Blaise), M. (2001, November). Supporting social action through teaching and researching in the early childhood classroom. Invited paper presented at the Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood Postgraduate Research Seminar Series. University of Melbourne, Australia.


 Conference Proceeding (Refereed)

2004   Blaise, M. (2004, November). The heterosexual matrix exposed!: Critically examining how gender influences research. Paper presented and published in conference proceedings Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
2004   Blaise, M., Dole, S., Latham, G., Malone, K., Faulkner, J., Lang, J. (2004, November). Rethinking reflective journals in teacher education. Paper presented and published in conference proceedings Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
2004   Latham, G., Faulkner, J., Dole, S., Blaise, M., Malone, K., & Lang, J. (2004, November). The Virtual Classroom as a Pedagogical Space in Pre-service Teacher Education . Paper presented and published in conference proceedings Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
2004   Blaise, M., Dole, S., Latham, G., Malone, K., Faulkner, J., Lang, J. (2004, July). Reconstructing reflective journals in teacher education. Published conference proceedings Australian Teacher Education Association Conference. Bathurst, NSW, Australia.
2004   Latham, G., Blaise, M., Malone, K. Dole, S., Faulkner, J., & Lang, J. (2004, July). New learning in teacher education programs. Published conference proceedings Australian Teacher Education Association Conference. Bathurst, NSW, Australia.

 Conference Proceeding (Non-refereed)

2012   Blaise, M. Leung, V. & Sun, CR. (in progress). Literacy activities in a Hong Kong kindergarten. Unpublished research report to the LKW Kindergarten. Hong Kong.


Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials



2010   Blaise, M., Fleer, M., Agbenyega, J., & Hammer, M. (2010). Evaluation of Early Start Kindergartens. Submitted to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
2008   Blaise, M. & Edwards, S. (2008). Generating multiage pedagogies with the City of Melbourne’s early childhood teachers. Submitted to the City of Melbourne, Department of Children’s Services, Melbourne, Australia.
2008   Blaise, M. (2008). Young children’s understandings of gender and sexuality. A research report prepared and submitted to the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA.
2008   Fleer, M. Agbenyega, J. Blaise, M., & Peers, C. (2008). Assessment practices within the early years: Assumptions, beliefs, and practices. Research report prepared and submitted to the South Australia Department of Early Childhood Services, Adelaide, Australia.
2007   Blaise, M., Edwards, S., & Hammer, M. (2007). An initial investigation of the experiences amongst stakeholders involved in family grouping models in the City of Melbourne. Research report prepared and submitted to the City of Melbourne, Department of Children’s Services, Melbourne, Australia.
2003   Blaise, M. (2003). Locating, sustaining, and disrupting gender discourses: A feminist poststructuralist study of gender in two kindergarten classrooms. Research report prepared and submitted to the Spencer Foundation, Chicago. Illinois.

All Other Outputs

 Review of Books or of software

2010   Qatar National Research Fund, “National Priorities Research Program” (2010)
2008   Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK, (2008)
2004   Blaise, M. (2004). Teaching number. [Review of the book Teaching number: Advancing children’s skills and strategies]. International Journal of Equity & Innovation in Early Childhood Education, 1 (1).
2001   Blaise, M. (2001). Critical issues. [Review of the book Critical issues in social research: Power and prejudice]. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 2 (2), pp. 256-25).


Reviewer of journals/articles, external examiner, academic
2012   Bartholomaeus, C. (2012). Rethinking masculinities and young age: Primary school students constructing gender. PhD, Adelaide University, Australia.
2012   Kilderry, A. (2012). Teacher decision making in early childhood education. Anna Kilderry, PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
2011   LEE, Hsin-Hui, (2011). Taiwanese preschool teachers’ responses to children’s performance of gender and sexuality. Minor Thesis, MEd., Monash University.
2011   Kamala Saravanan, K.S. (2011). Men’s perception of men’s likelihood to sexually harass. PhD, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
2011   CHUA, M.L. (2011). Parental talk about academic acceleration in the early childhood years. Independent Field Study, EdD (Dual Award) Programme, Singapore, National Institute of Education/University of London Institute of Education.


Selected Output Categories


 Editorial Boards 

2012   Editorial Advisory Board Member, Multidisciplinary Journal on Social Diversity (2012-present)
2012   Associate Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education (2012-present)
2010   Editorial Board, Teachers College Press Advisory Board, Early Childhood Education Series (2010-2013)
2010   Editorial Board, International Research in Early Childhood Education Journal (2010-present)
2010   Editorial Board, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood (2010-present)
2008   Editorial Board, Gender and Education, International Advisory Board (2008-present)
2006   Editorial Board, Early Childhood Research Quarterly
2002   Editorial Board, International Journal of Equity and Excellence in Early Childhood Education, (2002-present)

 High-level public or professional service

2006   Boorondara City Council, Boorandara Kindergarten, Educational and research consultant (2006-2007)
2001   Safe Schools Network: A Project of the Rhode Island Task Force on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Youth, Educational consultant, (2001)

 Speech and Prestigious Public Presentation

2008   Blaise, M. & Rasmussen, M.L. (2008). Gender Storylines in Early Childhood Education. Workshop for the Department of Children’s Services, Frankston City Council, 2008
2007   Blaise, M. (2007). Engaging with Children differently. Workshop for Children’s Services, Monash University.
2007   Blaise, M. (2007). Engaging with Children: Supporting Relationships in the Early Childhood Classroom. Workshop for the Department of Children’s Services, City of Melbourne.
2005   Blaise, M. (2005). Defining Culturally & Linguistically Relevant Practices. Workshop for Boorondoora Kindergarten, City of Boorondoora.
2003   Andrew, Y., Blaise, M., Houghton, A., Hydon, C., Newman, B., Rundle, D., Sheehan, M. (Blaise, M., Newman, B., Houghton (2003-2005). Revolutionary Planning & Teaching. Workshops for all of the Children’s Services Advisors within the Department of Children’s Services, Victoria, Australia.