Dr. CHENG Pui Wah, Doris | | Associate Professor | Dr. CHENG Pui Wah, Doris 鄭佩華博士 | CertEd SRBCE; BA(Ed) Hull; MEd HKU; PhD Bath | Office: | D2-P-05 | Tel: | 2948 7595 | Email: | doris@ied.edu.hk | | Research Interest(s): | - Teaching and learning through play
- Linking theories with practice
- Professional development of teachers
| | | Others Edition Editor of Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, Vol.4, No. 2, November 2005. Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Chapter in an edited book | 2011 | | Cheng, P. W. D. (2011). Learning through Play in Hong Kong: Policy or Practice? In S. Rogers (Ed.), Rethinking play and pedagogy in early childhood education: Concepts, contexts and cultures. London: Routledge. | | 2006 | | Cheng, P.W.D. (2006). Identifying students’ misconception through peer-assessed presentation. In Carless, D., Joughin G., Liu & Assocates (Eds.) How Assessment Supports Learning, 85-87, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. | | 2003 | | 陳鄭佩華(2003):專題研習:學會學習的機遇與挑戰, 輯於香港教育工作者聯會編《青少年成長與學習的新趨勢》,頁137-142,香港,三聯書店(香港)有限公司。 | 2002 | | Chan Cheng P.W.D. (2002). Project Approach: Opportunities and Challenges of Learning to Learn. In Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers (Ed.), The New Trend of Development and Learning of Youth, pp. 137-142, Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.). | | 2001 | | Lim, S. E. A., Chan-Cheng, P. W. D., Lam, M. S. M., & Ngan, S. F., (2001, April). Enhancing reflective and critical thinking skills: Semantic mapping as a strategy in teacher education, in Cheng, Y. C., Chow, K. W., & Tsui, K. T. (Eds.), New Teacher Education for the Future: International Perspectives, 485-522, Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education & Kluwer Academic Publishers. | | 2001 | | Kwong-Lee W.Y.M., Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., So, S.L.J., and Kwong, W.M. (2001). Making the ‘Theory-practice Link’ in Action Learning Framework: Report on New Pedagogical Approach in an In-service Kindergarten Teacher Education Programme, in Kember, D. (Ed.), Further Case Studies of improving teaching and learning from the Action Learning Project, 241-250, Hong Kong, Action Learning Project. | | 2000 | | 陳鄭佩華(2000):創造愉快有效的學習──意大利瑞吉歐幼兒教育之啟示,輯於香港教育工作者會編《香港教育──青少年多元智能的成長與教育》,頁119-124,香港,三聯書店(香港)有限公司。 | 2000 | | Chan Cheng P.W.D. (2000). Effective and Joyful Learning – Implication from the Reggio Emillia Approach in Italy. In Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers (Ed.). Education in Hong Kong- Multiple Intelligent Development and Education of Young People, 119-124. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) . | 2000 | | 陳鄭佩華、林美嫦、顏素芳、張麗雲、莊婉賢和周鈿志編(2000):《愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探》(另附光碟),香港,香港教育學院。 | 2000 | | Chan Cheng P. W. D., Lam M. S., Ngan S. F., Cheung L. W., & Chong Y. Y. (2000). The Joy of Learning: A Preliminary Inquiry on Leaping Beyond the Boundary. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. | | | Journal Publications Refereed Journal Article | 2012 | | Cheng, P. W. D. (2012). The Relation between Early Childhood Teachers' Conceptualization of “Play“ and Their Practice: Implication for the Process of Learning to Teach. Frontiers of Education in China, 7(1), 65-84. | | | | 2012 | | | | | | 2011 | | Wong, S. M., Wang, Z., & Cheng, P. W. D. (2011). A play-based curriculum: Hong Kong children's perception of play and non-play. International Journal of Learning, 17(10), 165-180. | | | | 2011 | | Xiang, Y. L., & Cheng, P. W. D. (2011). Teacher-Child Interactions in Learning Areas: A case study of Two Hong Kong Kindergartens. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10(2), 7-15. | | | | 2010 | | Cheng, P. W. D. (2010). Exploring the tactfulness of implementing play in the classroom: A Hong Kong Experience. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 38(1), 69-82. | | | | 2010 | | Lau, G., & Cheng, P. W. D. (2010). Learning through Play in the early childhood classroom: Myth or Reality? Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9(2), 27-43. | 2009 | | Wu, R., Cheng, P. W. D., Leung, C. K. E., & Man, Y. K. (2009). The development of assessment rubrics to examine integrative learning in a four year teacher education programme. Annual Bulletin (Vol.1).Tokyo: Advance Institute of Teacher Education, Waseda University. | | 2008 | | Cheng, P. W. (2008). Meta-learning ability - a crucial component for the professional development of teachers in a changing context. Teacher Development, 12(1), 85-95. | | 2006 | | Mok, M. M. C., Lung, C. L., Cheng, D. P. W., Cheung, R. H. P., & Ng, M. L. (2006). Self-assessment in higher education: Experience in using a metacognitive approach in five case studies. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 31(4), 415-433. | | 2006 | | Cheng, D. P. W. (2006). The translation of western teaching approaches in the Hong Kong early childhood curriculum: A promise for effective teaching?. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 7(3), 228-237. | | 2005 | | Wong, T. T., & Cheng, P. W. D. (2005). The relationship between symbolic play and children’s language development. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 4 (2), 22-27. | | 2004 | | Cheng, P. W. D. and Stimpson, P. (2004). Articulating constrasts in Kindergarten teachers' implicit knowledge on play-based learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 41, 339-352. | | 2004 | | Cheng, P.W.D. (2004). Understanding the issues of realizing ‘play’ in the Hong Kong early childhood curriculum. Progress in Education, 13, 171-188. | | 2003 | | Lim, S.E. A., Chan-Cheng, P.W., Lam, M. S., & Ngan, S. F. (2003). Developing Reflective and Thinking Skills by means of Semantic Mapping Strategies in Kindergarten Teacher Education. Early Child Development and Care, 173 (1), 55-72. | | 2001 | | Cheng, P. W. D. (2001). Difficulties of Hong Kong teachers’ understanding and implementation of ‘Play’ in the curriculum. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(7), 857-869. | | 1997 | | 羅厚輝、陳鄭佩華、謝陳寶華和黃葉香玲 (1997):「同儕視學」在發展幼兒教師「反思」能力的角式,《教育曙光》, 38, 頁93-100。 | | | Conference Papers Invited Conference Paper | 2006 | | Chan Cheng, P. W., & Yuen, L. H. (2006). Childhood education and ACEI in Hong Kong-Macau. Paper presented at the 35th Anniversary Conference, Philippines: 2006.12. | | | Refereed Conference Paper | 2010 | | Cheng, P.W. D. (2010, August). Resources Implication for the Sustainable Development of Play-Based Pedagogy in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the OMEP XXVI World Congress 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden. | | 2010 | | Wong, M. N. C. & Cheng, P.W. D. (2010, August). A Study of Curriculum Innovations and Teacher-Child Interaction in Hong Kong Kindergartens. Paper presented in the OMEP XXVI World Congress 2010, Göteborg, Sweden | | 2010 | | Wikeley, F., Konantambigi, R., Cheng, D.P.W. & Chawla-Duggan, R. (2010, July). Is play re-conceptualized when it crosses cultural boundaries? Paper presented at the XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies Istanbul 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. | | 2010 | | Cheng, P.W. D. (2010, July). Teacher’s Intentional and Unintentional Actions in Implementing Play-Based Pedagogy: Implications for Teacher Education. Paper presented in the 17th International Conference on Learning, 6 - 9 July 2010. Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. | | 2010 | | Wong, S.M., Wang, Z.L., Cheng, P.W. (2010, July). A play-based curriculum: Hong Kong children's perception of 'play' and 'not play'. Paper presented in the 17th International Conference on Learning, 6 - 9 July 2010. Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. | | 2010 | | Cheng, P.W. D. (2010, June).Rethinking Play-Based Pedagogy in Hong Kong: A City Where East Meets West. Paper presented at the XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies Istanbul 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. | | 2009 | | Cheng, P.W. D., & Fung, K. H. C. (2009, July). Views of the Stakeholders on ‘Learning through Play’: Consensus or Discrepancy? Paper presented at the PECERA 10th conference, the Philippines. | | 2008 | | Wu, R., Cheng, P. W. D., Leung, C. K. E., & Man, Y. K. (2008). The development of assessment rubrics to examine integrative learning in a four year teacher education programme. Paper presented at the 1st East Asian International Symposium on Teacher Education Research - Educational Reform and Teachers, Japan: 2008.3. | | 2007 | | Cheng, P. W. D., Leung, C. K. E., Man, Y. K., & Wu, R. J. (2007). Conception of pre-service teachers' development of integrative ability. Paper presented at the Conference on Integrated Learning: Research and Classroom Practices, Hong Kong: 2007.12. | | 2004 | | Cheng P.W.D. (2004, July). Articulating the implicit knowledge of teachers: a way to understand the difficulties of teaching reform. Paper presented at an Invited Symposium " Writing about Teachers' lives: How can it make a difference?" with Hayhoe, R. Intrator S. and Wu Z.Z. at International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) World Assembly, Hong Kong | | 2004 | | Lung C.L., Mok M.C. M., Cheng P.W. D., Cheung H.P. R. & Ng M. L. (2004, June). How to promote Self-assessment in Higher Education: Experience in Using the KWL approach in Teacher Education programme. Paper presented at LOAP invited seminar, Hong Kong. | | 2002 | | Chan-Cheng, P.W.D.(2002, August). The translation of the western teaching approaches in the Hong Kong early childhood curriculum:-A promise for effective teaching? Paper presented at the European Early Childhood Education Research Association, Cyprus. | | 1999 | | Cheng P.W.D. (1999, September). Difficulties of Hong Kong teachers’ understanding and implementation of ‘Play’ in the curriculum. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of British Educational Research Association, Sussex, U.K. | | 1999 | | Kwo, O. & Chan-Cheng, P.W.D. (1999, September). Peer support as a strategic resource in enhancing professional learning: Challenges to educators. Paper presented at the Action Learning Project Conference, Hong Kong. | | 1999 | | Kwong, M., Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., So, J. & Kwong, W.M (1999, September). Making the ‘theory-practice’ link in an action-learning framework: Report on a new pedagogical approach in an in-service kindergarten teacher education programme. Paper presented at the Action Learning Project Conference, Hong Kong. | | 1999 | | Lim, A. Cheng, P.W.D., Lam, M. S. M. & Ngan, S.F. (1999, August). Developing reflective and thinking skills by means of semantic mapping strategies in kindergarten teacher education: Affective outcomes. Paper presented at the OEMP World Conference, The Children in the New Millennium: 'Affective Education as the key to Empowerment', Singapore. | | 1999 | | Fung, W. & Chan-Cheng P.W.D., (1999, June). Parents' Helping Parents Network. Paper presented at the Symposium on "Children's Agenda for Hong Kong in the 21st Century" of the Save the Children Fund, Hong Kong. | | 1999 | | Kwong, M., Chan-Cheng, P.W. D., So, J. & Kwong, W. M. (1999, February). Linking practice with theories through the dialectical interplay of reflection and action. Paper presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education, Hong Kong. | | 1999 | | Lim, A., Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., Lam, M.S.M., & Ngan, S.F. (1999). Semantic mapping as a strategy for enhancing reflective and critical thinking skills in kindergarten teacher education. Paper presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education, Hong Kong. | | 1998 | | Kwong, M., Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., So, J. & Kwong, W.M. (1998, November). Making connections between theory and practice through action research. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Toronto, Canada. | | | Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials Video | 2000 | | Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., Lam, M.S.M., & Ngan, S.F. (2000, August). The Joy of Learning: A Preliminary Inquiry on Leaping beyond the Boundary - Interacting with the Environment (In English and Chinese) 愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探《教學環境的互動》錄影帶〈中文版〉, Center for Learning, Teaching & Supervision, Hong Kong Institute of Education | | 2000 | | Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., Ngan, S.F., & Lam, M.S.M. (2000, August). The Joy of Learning: A Preliminary Inquiry on Leaping beyond the Boundary - Interacting in a Small Group (In English and Chinese) 愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探《小組的互動》錄影帶﹝中文版﹞, Centre for Learning, Teaching & Supervision, Hong Kong Institute of Education | | 2000 | | Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., Ngan, S.F., & Lam, M.S.M. (2000, August), The Joy of Learning: A Preliminary Inquiry on Leaping beyond the Boundary - Interacting with the Community Environment (In English and Chinese) 愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探《社區環境的互動》錄影帶﹝中文版﹞, Centre for Learning, Teaching & Supervision, Hong Kong Institute of Education | | | Published Teaching Materials | 2002 | | 陳鄭佩華、阮麗霞編(2002):《兒童教育叢書綜合課程──實例與再思》,香港,港澳兒童教育國際協會。 | | 2001 | | Barclay, K., Benelli, C., Campbell, P., & Kleine, L.著、陳鄭佩華譯(2001):美夢還是惡夢──向教科書說再見,不用課本了,輯於陳鄭佩華、阮麗霞編《兒童教育叢書綜合課程──實例與再思》,香港,港澳兒童教育國際協會。 | | 2000 | | 陳鄭佩華、林美嫦、顏素芳、張麗雲、莊婉賢和周鈿志編(2000):《愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探》(另附光碟),香港,香港教育學院。 | | | Reports | 2010 | | Cheng, P.W. D., Ho, F.K.C., Lau, W.C. G., Benson, P. (2010). Exemplars of best practices and guidelines for child-centred, play-based pedagogy in Hong Kong: Making a difference to quality early childhood education. (Third report of the Public Policy Research Project-Enhancing the Quality of Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong Early Childhood Education: Meeting the Challenges of the New Policy) | | 2009 | | Cheng, P.W. D., Ho, F.K.C., Lau, W.C. G., Benson, P. (2009). Play-based pedagogy in early childhood classrooms in Hong Kong and its impact on quality education. (Second report of the Public Policy Research Project-Enhancing the Quality of Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong Early Childhood Education: Meeting the Challenges of the New Policy) | | 2008 | | Cheng, P.W. D., Ho, F.K.C., Lau, W.C. G., Benson, P. (2008). The Implementation of Play-Based Pedagogy: Views from Hong Kong and International Perspectives. (First report of the Public Policy Research Project-Enhancing the Quality of Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong Early Childhood Education: Meeting the Challenges of the New Policy) | 1998 | | Kwong-Lee W.Y.M., Tse-Chan, P.W., and Chan-Cheng, P.W.D. (1998). Contextual Analysis for Programme Development, School of Early Childhood Education, HKIEd. | | | Research / Projects Research and/or Equivalent Grants 2010- 2011 | | Hong Kong preschoolers’ mindreading ability and their social strategies in play (HK$ 110,692.5. Strategic Centre Research Grant, 2010-2011, with Cheng, P.W.D, Wang, Z. (PI), and Ho, F. C.) | 2010 | | Play': from the eyes of Hong Kong children (HK$16,752. Faculty Small Scale Research Fund, 2010, with Cheng, P.W.D (PI),Wang, Z., and Wong, S. M.) | 2008-2011 | | Empowering Early Childhood Institutions in Implementing Effective School-based Curriculum. (HK$12 million. Commissioned by Education Bureau, 2008-2011, with Wong, M.N.C. (PI) and Cheng, D.P.W.) | 2008-2010 | | Enhancing the Quality of Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong Early Childhood Education: Meeting the Challenges of the New Policy (HK$490,000. Public Policy Research, 2008-2010, with Cheng, P.W.D (PI), Benson, P., Lau, W. C. G., and Fung, K. H. C.) | 1997-1999 | | Activating Peer Support: A Strategic Resource in Enchancing Professional Leaning in the Teaching Practicum (HK$140,000. University Grant Committee of Hong Kong, 1997-1999, with Kwo, O. (PI) and Chan-Cheng, P.W.D.) (20% Chan-Cheng, P.W.D.) | 1997-1999 | | Linking practice with theories through the dialectical interplay of reflection and action (HK$ 145,596. University Grant Committee of Hong Kong, 1997-1999, with Kwong-Lee,W.Y. M. (PI), So, J., Kwong, W.M., and Chan-Cheng, P.W.D.) (20% Chan-Cheng, P.W.D.) | 1997-1998 | | Contextual Analysis Research Project for the Development of the BEd. (ECE) and Pre-service C.E. (ECE) Courses (HK$ 150,000. HKIEd Director’s Development Fund, 1997-1998, with Kwong-Lee,W.Y. M. (PI), Tse-Chan, P.W., and Chan-Cheng, P.W.D.) (20% Chan-Cheng, P.W.D.) | | Teaching Areas of Teaching Expertise (i) | | Teaching and learning through ‘Play’ | (ii) | | Linking the contemporary teaching approaches with the Hong Kong early childhood curriculum | (iii) | | Issues of teaching and learning in the preschool curriculum | (iv) | | Professional development of early childhood teachers | Modules Taught (Selected) M.Ed (ECE) | | Critical Issues of Early Childhood Education | B.Ed (ECE) | | Critical Issues of Early Childhood Curriculum | B.Ed (ECE) | | Teaching and Learning | C.E (ECE) | | Contemporary Approaches of Teaching and Learning | Scholarship of Teaching Teaching Development and/or Equivalent Grants | 2004 | | Activating the dialectical interaction of "a community of learners"; an exploration of the development of professional identity (HK$112,800, HKIEd Teaching Development Grant, 2004, with Wong S.M.) | 2004 | | A preliminary investigation of changes in kindergarten practices (HK$66,320. HKIEd Teaching Development Grant, 2004, with Wong, W.Y.V., Kwok, A., Lau, G., Leung E., Li H., Lui, E., Yung, A., & Wong, L.F.) | 2001 | | Investigating ‘Integrated Curriculum’ in the Hong Kong kindergarten context (HK$50,000. Sik Sik Yuen, Hong Kong, 2001, with ACEI-HK& Macau) | 1998-1999 | | Applying the conception of multiple intelligence in kindergarten curriculum (HK$200,000. Quality Education Fund, Hong Kong, 1998-1999, with Catholic Religious School Council (PI). (20% Chan-Cheng, P.W. D.) | 1998 | | Exploring on an authentic context: Alternative teaching and learning approaches of Hong Kong early childhood teachers (HK$141,464. HKIEd Teaching Development Grant, 1998, with Lam, M.S.M. and Ngan, S.F.) | Professional Development Workshops/Presentations | 2003 | Cheng, P.W.D. (2003, March). Assessing and learning in a community of inquirers, Paper presented at the Assessment Seminar, HKIEd. | Published Teaching Materials | 2002 | 陳鄭佩華、阮麗霞編(2002):《兒童教育叢書綜合課程──實例與再思》,香港,港澳兒童教育國際協會。 | 2001 | Barclay, K., Benelli, C., Campbell, P., & Kleine, L.著、陳鄭佩華譯(2001):美夢還是惡夢──向教科書說再見,不用課本了,輯於陳鄭佩華、阮麗霞編《兒童教育叢書綜合課程──實例與再思》,香港,港澳兒童教育國際協會。 | 2000 | 陳鄭佩華、林美嫦、顏素芳、張麗雲、莊婉賢和周鈿志編(2000):《愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探》(另附光碟),香港,香港教育學院。 | Video | 2000 | Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., Lam, M.S.M., & Ngan, S.F. (2000, August). The Joy of Learning: A Preliminary Inquiry on Leaping beyond the Boundary - Interacting with the Environment (In English and Chinese) 愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探《教學環境的互動》錄影帶〈中文版〉, Center for Learning, Teaching & Supervision, Hong Kong Institute of Education | 2000 | Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., Ngan, S.F., & Lam, M.S.M. (2000, August). The Joy of Learning: A Preliminary Inquiry on Leaping beyond the Boundary - Interacting in a Small Group (In English and Chinese) 愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探《小組的互動》錄影帶﹝中文版﹞, Centre for Learning, Teaching & Supervision, Hong Kong Institute of Education | 2000 | Chan-Cheng, P.W.D., Ngan, S.F., & Lam, M.S.M. (2000, August), The Joy of Learning: A Preliminary Inquiry on Leaping beyond the Boundary - Interacting with the Community Environment (In English and Chinese) 愉快學習系列:跳出框框的教學初探《社區環境的互動》錄影帶﹝中文版﹞, Centre for Learning, Teaching & Supervision, Hong Kong Institute of Education | Awards (All categories) 1996 | | Distinction in the Master Degree of Education, University of Hong Kong, H.K., 1996 | 1998 | | Certificate of Merit for the Distinguished Teacher’s Award, Hong Kong Institute of Education, H.K.,1998 | 2010 | | A Merit Award for the Transfer of Knowledge in a University –Support Project awarded by the Hong Kong Institute of Education in 2010 | |