梁教授曾於多份國際知名學術期刊和學術書籍發表論文,包括:《International Journal of Music Education》、《Research Studies in Music Education》、《Music Education Research》、《Pedagogy, Culture & Society》、《International Journal of Community Music》、《Arts Education Policy Review》及《the Oxford Handbook of Music Education》。梁教授出版的《音樂創作教學:新世紀音樂教育新趨勢》(卓思,2005),更是本港首部關於音樂創意教學的書刊。北京人民音樂出版社亦邀請梁教授出版一個更新版本以回應內地音樂課程改革(人民音樂出版社,2014)。梁教授亦曾出版一本題為《Creative Arts in Education and Culture: Perspectives from Greater China》的書刊(Springer, 2013),展示大中華地區的藝術教育和文化發展 ; 另一本著作是《Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, Evolution and Challenges》(Springer, 2018), 剖析傳統音樂在現代的國際情況和傳承挑戰。梁教授亦曾出板有關粵劇的三部專著。
梁教授現任國際音樂教育學會候任主席、亞太音樂教育研究論壇主席、東北師範大學、廣州大學及華南師範大學客座教授、中國音樂家協會會員、《亞太藝術教育學報》總編輯、香港學術及職業資歷評審局教育及演藝學科專家、民政事務局港台文化合作委員會委員、香港藝術發展局藝術資訊中心顧問、音樂事務處專業顧問、香港演藝學院中國戲曲學院顧問,與及大埔藝術中心管理委員會委員。梁教授曾任國際音樂教育學會三屆理事及在其轄下的學校音樂及教師教育委員會和研究委員會主席,香港音樂教育家協會創會主席 , 及《國際音樂教育學報》聯席主編。梁教授於2011, 2014及2019年分別獲得研究資助局的優配研究金,並於2009及2021年獲優質教育基金撥款資助其有關粵劇的研究。梁教授先後獲香港中文大學文學士(音樂)及教育文憑、香港浸會大學文學碩士及澳洲新南威爾士大學哲學博士學位。
梁寶華教授現任香港教育大學文化與創意藝術學系教授,並為粵劇承傳研究中心總監。他致力將粵劇納入正規音樂課程,其領導的研究計劃「中小學粵劇教學協作計劃」,先後於2011年獲國際音樂理事會頒發的音樂權益獎及2012年獲教大頒發知識轉移獎。梁教授曾於多份國際知名學術期刊發表論文,並編撰《香港文學大系一九五○至一九六九 • 粵劇卷》(商務,2020)、《粵曲梆黃唱腔藝術:方文正作品彙編》 (天地,2019),及《生生不息薪火傳:粵劇生行基礎知識》(天地,2017)。梁教授曾三次獲得香港研究資助局的優配研究金和兩次優質教育基金撥款資助其有關粵劇教學傳承的研究。現任國際音樂教育學會 (International Society for Music Education)主席、世界藝術教育聯盟 (World Alliance for Arts Education) 執行理事,及亞太音樂教育研究論壇 (Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research) 主席。
PhD (University of New South Wales, Australia)
MA (Hong Kong Baptist University)
DipEd (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
BA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Areas of Teaching
Creativity in Music
Aesthetics of Cantonese Opera
Research Methods
Research Interests
Creativity in Music Teaching and Learning
Motivation in Music Teaching and Learning
Teaching Cantonese Opera in schools
Music Teacher Education
Music Curriculum Development -
Selected Outputs
- Leung, B. W. (2023). Transformation of traditional art forms in the evolving contexts: Cantonese opera in Hong Kong as an example. In B. Jorissen, L. Unterberg, & T. Klepacki (Eds.), Cultural sustainability and arts education: International perspectives on the aesthetics of transformation (pp. 53 – 63). Springer.
- Leung, B. W., & Fung, C. V. (2022 online/2023). Perception surrounding the developing of personal style in Cantonese opera amongst artists, connoisseurs and beginner audience in Hong Kong. Psychology of Music, 51(1), 244 - 258. https://doi.org/10.1177/03057356221091599
- Leung, B. W. (2021 online). Transmission of Cantonese opera in school music education: A survey of Hong Kong and Guangdong music teachers for policy review. Arts Education Policy Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/10632913.2021.1992325
- Leung, B. W. (2021 online / 2023). Informal learning of Cantonese operatic singing in Hong Kong: an autoethnographic study. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 31(3), 569 – 585. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2021.1934090
- 梁寶華主編 (2020):《香港文學大系一九五○ ―― 一九六九•粵劇卷》[Hong Kong literature series 1950-1969: Cantonese opera],商務印書館。
- Leung, B. W. (2019). Conception of creativity as personal style of Cantonese opera artists in Hong Kong: A socio-cultural perspective. Journal of Artistic and Creative Education, 13(1), 1 - 13. https://jace.online/index.php/jace/article/view/183/116
Research Projects
- Learning Cantonese Opera and Development of Cultural and Life Education, Quality Education Fund, 2021 – 2023
- National education as cultural education: Developing students’ Chinese cultural identity with learning and teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, General Research Fund, 2020 – 2021
Prizes and Awards
- Musical Rights Award, 2011, International Music Council
- Knowledge Transfer Award, 2012, Hong Kong Institute of Education
External Appointments
- President (2022-24), International Society for Music Education (ISME)
- Executive Forum Member, World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE)
- Vice-Chairperson, Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Co-operation and Promotion Council, Home Affairs Bureau
- Convener, Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee, Home Affairs Bureau
- Member, Advisory Board of Arts Information Centre, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Major External Research Grants
Learning Cantonese Opera and Development of Cultural and Life Education, Quality Education Fund, 2022-23
National education as cultural education: Developing students’ Chinese cultural identity with learning and teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, GRF, 2019
- The nature of creativity in Cantonese opera: Perceptions of artists, connoisseurs and beginners and their interaction, GRF, 2014
- Transmission and pedagogical models in Cantonese Opera: A study of the Chinese oral and the Western conservatory traditions, GRF, 2011
- Partnership Project on Teaching and Learning of Cantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools, QEF, 2009