【MUSES】 杨艺可钢琴演奏会暨大师班
活动 | 10月2023年
Internationally acclaimed pianist, the youngest-ever laureate in the history of the International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw, Tony Yike Yang, is coming to our Tai Po campus, the Education University of Hong Kong! He will open the MUSES event with his phenomenal performance. Two CCA students will join the masterclass afterwards.
Yang has won prizes at international competitions such as the Chopin (Warsaw), Van Cliburn, Gina Bachauer, Hilton Head, Cooper, and the Bosendorfer & Yamaha USASU International Piano Competitions. He has also been a recipient of the Sylva Gelber Music Foundation Award, the Robert Levin Prize in Musical Performance at Harvard University, and the Ingesund Piano Center Scholarship.
着名钢琴家、萧邦国际钢琴比赛史上最年轻得主 杨艺可(Tony Yike Yang)将临香港教育大学大埔校园!是次活动将由Tony精采的演奏打开序幕,两位教大CCA的学生亦会于紧接着的大师班中献技。万勿错过!
钢琴家 杨艺可于多个国际钢琴大赛中屡获殊荣,包括:Chopin (Warsaw)、Van Cliburn、Gina Bachauer、Hilton Head、Cooper、以及Bosendorfer & Yamaha USASU大赛。他同时亦是多个奖学金及奖项得主,包括:Sylva Gelber Music Foundation Award、the Robert Levin Prize in Musical Performance at Harvard University、the Ingesund Piano Center Scholarship等。
日期: 16/10/2023
时间: 7:30pm-9:00pm
地点: 香港教育大学大埔校园 C-LP-11演讲厅
报名方法: https://bit.ly/3F7CAm9