Page 14 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 14
  March 2017
Scholarships were awarded at a thanksgiving reception hosted by The Education University of Hong Kong Foundation. This year, nearly 800 scholarships amounting to about HK$21 million were awarded – a record high in terms of the total scholarship amount
香港教育大學基金於感恩茶聚 上頒發獎學金。本年度頒發 的獎學金接近八百個,總額約 二千一百萬港元,金額為歷年 之冠
    May 2017
Grand opening of the Centre for Brain and Education (CBE). CBE
is a research centre with a mission to promote neuroscience research and translate the  ndings into education theories and practices
腦神經科學與教育研究中心 開幕禮:中心之使命,為推動 腦神經科學研究,並將研究 結果轉化為教學理論與實踐
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