Page 73 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 73
Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告
Report of the Treasurer to the Council on the Group’s Financial
Statements for the Financial Year from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016
The University’s achievements had been recognized on many fronts. In 2016, the retitling of previously “The Hong Kong Institute of Education” to “The Education University of Hong Kong” re ected that the University had well established itself as an Education-focused, multidisciplinary and research-strong institution. According to
“The World University Rankings by Subject 2016” published by the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), the University was ranked 2nd in Asia and 12th in the world in Education, and it had progressed even higher than last year’s ranking of 3rd in Asia and 15th in the world in Education. The impressive performance in the regional and international higher education was the result of the concerted efforts of all members of the University.
In 2015/16, the University managed to achieve an overall net surplus of about $70.2 million for the year, of which $23.5 million was derived from University Grant Committee(“UGC”)-funded activities and $46.7 million from non-UGC-funded activities. At the Group level, the net surplus of $70.5 million included a small surplus of $0.3 million from subsidiaries, mainly contributed from The EdUHK Schools Limited (“Schools Limited”).
Operating Results and Financial Position
The Group adopts the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certi ed Public Accountants and the Statement of Recommended Practice for the UGC- funded Institutions in Hong Kong (“SORP”). Note 1 of the Consolidated Financial Statements shows the details of the signi cant accounting policies adopted by the Group.
Compared to 2014/15, there was a slight increase in the Recurrent Grants of $54 million, which was mainly due to the inclusion of supplementary grant arising from pay adjustment. In addition, there was a decrease of $26 million in the Earmarked Grants as less matching grants were received during the year after the 6th Matching Grant Scheme from the Government had concluded in July 2014. Tuition, programmes and other fees of the University had increased by $28 million contributed mainly from self- nanced programmes. Total interest and net investment income amounted to $11 million which was less than that of last year. Furthermore, donation and benefactions of the University increased by $17 million to $42 million. To comply with the requirement of the new SORP, the accounting policy for recognition
香港教育大學司庫致校董會二零一五年七月 一日至二零一六年六月三十日止的司庫報告
香港教育大學在多方面取得卓越成就,備受各界肯定。 二零一六年,本校由「香港教育學院」正名為「香港教育 大學」,說明了本校早具實力,並發展至今,成為一所以 教育為本、提供多元學科兼具研究實力的優秀學府。根 據二零一六年Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)機構發表 最新一輪的世界大學排名,其中以學科排序,本校表現 再上層樓,在教育學科的排名由去年排行亞洲第三位及 全球第十五位,躍升至亞洲第二位及全球第十二位。本 校全賴各成員上下一心共建佳績,致能於今天在亞太地 區以至全球的高等教育界出類拔萃。
二零一五至一六年度,本校錄得淨盈餘約七千零二十 萬元。其中,二千三百五十萬元來自大學教育資助委 員會(「教資會」)資助的項目,四千六百七十萬元來 自非教資會資助的項目。整體而言,本集團的七千零 五十萬元淨盈餘中,包含三十萬元的少量盈餘來自香 港教育大學附屬機構,其中主要來自香港教育大學附 屬學校有限公司(「學校有限公司」)。
本集團採納香港會計師公會頒佈的香港財務報告準 則(「財務準則」),以及教資會資助大學的建議準則 (「建議準則」)。本校綜合財務報表附註一羅列了本 集團採用的主要會計政策細節。
相比二零一四至一五年度,由於員工薪金調整需要增補 撥款,以致經常性撥款錄得五千四百萬元輕微增長;指 定撥款則下降了二千六百萬元,原因是政府推出的第六 輪「配對補助金計劃」已於二零一四年七月結束,以致 本年度獲分配的配對補助金減少。學費、課程及其他收 費共增長約二千八百萬元,此項收入增長主要源自自負 盈虧課程。利息及投資淨收入約一千一百萬元,較去年 度少。此外,來自捐款及捐助的收入增加了一千七百萬 元,達至四千二百萬元。為遵循最新應用的建議準則, 有關確認捐款的會計政策有所轉變,並己追溯應用,因 此須重新列報往年的相關數字,以致二零一四至一五年 度的捐款收入輕微減少一百三十萬元。
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報
Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告

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