Page 60 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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In response to the fast changing environment and to ensure that all units work toward the University’s common goals and long-term sustainability,
the University has, during this  nancial year and with assistance from the Internal Auditors, conducted a series of assessment exercises to identify the risks it is facing and the measures in managing such risks. The University will continue to monitor its risk exposure and the effectiveness of mitigation plans formulated and executed on an ongoing basis. The  ve principal risks and the relevant mitigation plans identi ed are illustrated as follows:
為回應急劇變化的環境,並確保相關的各部門均朝着 本校的共同目標及長遠可持續性而努力,本校於本財政 年度,在內部審計人員的協助下,進行了一系列評估,以 識別本校面對的風險及風險管理的措施。本校將持續 監察所面對的風險,以及為減低風險而制定的計劃及 其成效。以下詳述五個風險類別及相關減低風險計劃:
Risk themes Risk Statements Mitigation Plans
風險類別 風險陳述 減低風險計劃
Stakeholder engagement
Financial sustainability
Human resources
Damage to reputation will adversely affect the University’s ability in achieving its overall (near and longer term) objectives 聲譽的受損會影響本校整體實現(短期或長期)目標的 能力
Non-compliance with UGC guidelines, and laws and regulations, which are subject to changes from time to time, may result in  nancial
loss and adverse impact on the University’s reputation 大學教育資助委員會的指引、法律與規例,或會被不時 修訂。若本校未能遵守,可能會蒙受財政損失,並影響 聲譽
Rising activism in different social sectors and lack of trust and empathy from stakeholders may pose risks on the University’s sources of funding and reputation 社運活動不斷增加,持份者亦往往缺乏互信及同理心, 均可能會影響本校資金的籌集及大學的聲譽
Ineffective  nancial planning and budget monitoring in response to different challenges and uncertainties, such as local demographic changes, may adversely affect the University’s  nancial sustainability 在應對不同挑戰及不確定性(如本地人口結構的變化) 時,若缺乏有效的財政計劃及預算的監管,可能會影響 本校財政的可持續性
Inability to recruit and retain the right talents will affect the University in delivering its objectives. 若未能成功招聘及保留合適人才,本校將難實現其目標
• Sustain a good corporate governance culture and environment
• Maintain the University’s ranking in international league tables
• Maintain a good risk management and internal control system 維持良好風險管理及內部監管系統
• Validate compliance and internal control system by the Internal Auditors 由內部審計人員作監察,以確保大學遵守法規
• Continuous 2-way communications with various stakeholders through different channels 透過不同的渠道與各持份者保持雙向溝通
• Regular open-minded and direct dialogue with different stakeholders and ongoing expectation management 定期與不同持份者作坦誠而直接的對話,持續進行期 望管理
• Maintain  nancial viability for long term strategic planning and development through broadening revenue streams 為長遠策略發展計劃開拓收入來源,以保持財政穩健
• Maintain a prudent yet bold spending attitude in the context of learning, teaching and research 就學與教及研究的開支,作審慎而進取的理財管理
• Develop a sustainable human resources strategy and plan that can support the University’s overall objectives 發展可持續人力資源策略及計劃,支持本校實現整體目 標
• Review and maintain competitive remuneration packages, and fair and transparent appraisal and reward systems 檢視及維持具競爭力的薪酬待遇,以及公平和具透明度 的評核及獎賞制度
• Cultivate a performance driven culture to reward high performers 培養以表現為本的文化,嘉獎具優異表現的員工
• Draw up a succession plan for key positions
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016

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