Page 59 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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Under the delegated authority of the Council, the authority to make major decisions on staf ng and  nancial matters rests with the Staf ng Committee and Finance Committee respectively. Appointments of staff, with the exception of appointments of the President and Vice Presidents, are approved by the Staf ng Committee and the President (up to a certain rank). Procurement authorization for purchase of goods and services has also been delegated to the Finance Committee and appropriate internal committees and of cers. The Senior Management Team conducts periodic review of the Financial and Internal Control Policy and the Purchasing Policy and Procedures to ensure that they are effective. Appropriate revisions to the policies and procedures
and enhancements of controls and safeguards will be examined and approved by the Finance Committee.
For the sake of good corporate governance, Council has established an Audit Committee, which consists of lay Council Members and external members. It usually meets four times during the year to provide an independent review of the University’s  nancial reporting and audit processes, internal controls and risk management.
KPMG provides external audit services for the University. The audit
is conducted in accordance with Hong Kong Standard on Auditing (“HKSAs”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certi ed Public Accountants (“HKICPA”) and will have regard to relevant Practice Notes and Auditing Guidelines and other applicable professional requirements of the HKICPA. KPMG will report to the management and the Audit Committee of the University, where appropriate, any detected signi cant de ciencies in the University’s  nancial reporting system or internal control system and other matters of governance interest that come to their notice and to which they think attention should be drawn.
Ernst & Young Advisory Services Limited (“EY”) provides internal audit services for the University under the direction of the Audit Committee
in providing an independent and objective assurance in accordance with its approved annual audit plan. EY carries out periodic independent reviews over key business processes and controls to assess the adequacy and the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems across the University and with regard to the compliance with applicable UGC rules and regulations and Enterprise Risk Management framework of the University.
Principal Risks and Mitigation Plans
There are different challenges and uncertainties in the environment
in which the University is operating, including local demographic change, strong competition in the region, stakeholders’ diverse social and political aspirations, and increasing compliance requirements from regulators, such as the recent Cost Allocation Guidelines issued by the UGC.
人事委員會及財務委員會分別獲校董會授權處理重要 人 事 及 財 務 事 項 。 除 校 長 及 副 校 長 任 命 外 ,人 事 任 命 須 獲人事委員會及校長(至特定職級)通過。批准採購商 品及服務的權責則授予財務委員會與合適的內部委員 會及相關成員。管理團隊會定期審視財務及內部監管政 策,以 及 採 購 政 策 與 程 序,以 確 保 其 有 效 執 行 及 運 作。 相應的政策及程序修訂,以及監管和保障措施的改進, 將由財務委員會審視並通過。
為確保良好管治,校董會設立審計委員會,由校外校董 會成員及非校方成員組成。該委員會通常每年舉行四次 會 議,就 本 校 財 務 報 告 及 審 計 程 序、內 部 監 管,以 及 風 險管理,作獨立檢視。
畢馬威會計師事務所為本校提供外部審計服務。審計 工作根據香港會計師公會發出的《香港審計準則》進 行,並參照香港會計師公會發出的實務說明及審計指 引,以及其他適用的專業要求。畢馬威會計師事務所 若發現本校財務報告系統或內部監管系統及其他與管 治相關的事項,有任何重大缺失,須向本校管理層或 審計委員會報告。
安永諮詢服務有限公司(「安永」)於審計委員會指導 下,根據已通過的年度審計計劃為本校提供內部審計 服務及作出獨立而客觀的確認。安永就本校的主要運 作程序及監管作定期的獨立審視,以全面檢視本校各 內部監管及風險管理系統是否足夠和有效,以及是否 依從大學教育資助委員會的相關條例與規則,以及本校 的大學風險管理框架。
在本校運行的環境中,經常要面對不同的挑戰及不確定 性,包括:本地人口結構的改變、區內的激烈競爭、持份 者不同的社會及政治訴求,以及公營機構受到不斷增加 的規範要求,例如:最近大學教育資助委員會向其屬下 八所大學發出的《成本分攤指引》。
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報
Governance Report 管治報告

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