Page 35 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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2015. With the aim of promoting a “green” lifestyle and enhancing the awareness of sustainable development among university and primary school students, various teaching and learning materials and activities were organised. These included 12 inquiry-based teaching packages and a card game, an international symposium, a learning camp, a trainer programme, plastic waste collection, a public cleanup exercise and the design of an educational poster based on research data, to facilitate students’ recycling practices. Since the project launch, more than 10,000 university and primary school students have participated and successfully recycled more than a metric ton of plastic, equivalent to forestalling
the production of about 0.6 metric ton of carbon dioxide, a reduction rate of 55 per cent. The project attracted public attention, resulting in a HK$3 million corporate donation for the further implementation of environmental sustainability in the coming years.
Research and Knowledge Transfer 研究及知識轉移
An eight-compartment plastic waste recycling bin had its design patent approved by the Intellectual Property Department in 2015
Launched in 2014, the project
I Act, U Act! – Education for Plastic Waste Recycling involved
more than 10,000 university and primary school students who recycled more than a metric ton of plastic, equivalent to forestalling the
production of about 0.6 metric ton of carbon dioxide, a
reduction rate of 55 per cent
「教育起動,塑膠再用!」— 塑膠廢物回 收教育計劃於二零一四年推出,計劃吸引 逾一萬名大學生與小學生參與,成功回收 逾一公噸塑膠,減少約零點六公 噸(百分之五十五)二氧化碳排
的應用。回收箱已於二零一五年獲知識產權署發出設 計專利。為提升大學生與小學生對綠色生活及可持續 發展的認識,本校組織了多種教與學的教材及活動, 包括:設計了十二個探究學習教學資源套及一款紙牌 遊 戲、舉 辦 國 際 研 討 會、學 習 營、導 師 訓 練、塑 膠 回 收活動、公眾清潔運動,以及參考研究結果而設計之 教育海報。上述活動均有助提升學生的回收意識。自 計劃推出以來,吸引逾一萬名大學生及小學生參與, 並 成 功 回 收 超 過 一 公 噸 塑 膠,相 當 於 減 少 百 分 之 五 十 五、即零點六公噸的二氧化碳排放量。計劃引起公眾 關注,並因而獲商界三百萬港元捐款,支持往後數年 的環境保育活動。
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報
Visit to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as part of the Computational Thinking and Coding Education Programme

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