Page 34 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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for Wellbeing (I-WELL) was established at the University in May 2016. In collaboration with various social welfare organisations, I-WELL is a one-stop SEN support centre that facilitates multidisciplinary applied research covering counselling, neuroscience, psychology, student support and special education. It is envisaged that I-WELL will be able to provide holistic services and support to SEN students, their parents and other stakeholders in the areas of research support, assessment and clinical services, professional consultancy, parent and family education and community education.
I Act, U Act! – Education for Plastic Waste Recycling
Launched in 2014, the project I Act, U Act! – Education for Plastic Waste Recycling was initiated to promote plastic recycling by way of a new eight-compartment plastic waste recycling bin, whose design patent was successfully granted by the Intellectual Property Department in
自研究與發展事務處於二零一四年中成立知識轉移小 組以來,本校積極透過不同的知識轉移項目推廣研究 成果,以造福學校及社會大眾。部分研究項目如下:
近年有特殊學習需要的學童人數不斷上升,令政府承 受極大壓力。位處本校校園的整全成長發展中心獲 近一千萬港元投資,於二零一六年五月成立。中心與 多家社福機構合作,為有特殊學習需要學童提供一站 式服務,並促進輔導、腦神經學、心理學、學童支援, 以及特殊教育等多個學科的應用研究。中心將為有特 殊學習需要學童及其家長,以至其他持份者,在支援 研 究、評 估 及 醫 療 服 務、專 業 顧 問、家 庭 教 育 及 社 區 教育等範疇,提供全面服務與支援。
「教育起動,塑膠再用!」— 塑膠廢物回收教育計劃 於二零一四年推出,目標為推廣全新八格塑膠回收箱
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016
EdUHK students participate in a voluntary coastal clean-up event

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