Page 32 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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Research Strength
The University is pleased to learn of the results in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject 2016, where we emerged second in Asia and 12th in the world in Education. The latest positions surpassed the University’s previous rankings in 2015, which were third in Asia and 15th in the world in Education.
In the 2016-17 research funding application results released by the Research Grants Council (RGC) on 30 June 2016, the University was awarded HK$13.27 million in funding for 27 projects under the General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) categories. Amid very keen competition, the University was awarded six GRF and ECS projects with a total funding of HK$4.27 million in the subject discipline of Education, comparing it favourably with established universities.
In the subject discipline of Humanities and Arts, newly developed multidisciplinary areas of the University, eight projects out of 15 applications received funding with a success rate of 53.33 per cent.
In the 2016-17 research funding application results released by the Research Grants Council on 30 June 2016, the University was
awarded HK$13.27million
in funding for 27projects under the General Research Fund and Early Career Scheme categories
本校於二零一六年QS世界大學學科排名中,喜獲佳 績:在教育領域位列亞洲第二、全球十二。此最新排名 已超越二零一五年的亞洲第三、全球十五。
二零一六年六月三十日,研究資助局(研資局)公佈 二零一六至一七年度研究資助申請結果。本校共有二 十七個項目獲優配研究金與傑出青年學者計劃資助, 金額合共一千三百二十七萬港元。儘管「教育」範疇 之申請競爭激烈,本校共有六個項目分別獲優配研究 金及傑出青年學者計劃資助,金額合共四百二十七萬 港元,媲美本地知名大學。而在本校近年發展多元學 科之一的「人文學及藝術」領域,十五項申請中,共 有八項獲取資助,成功率達百分之五十三點三三。
在優配研究金申請類別中,本校共有十八個項目獲 得資助,分別屬於「工程學」、「人文學及社會科學」 、「自然科學」三個組別轄下的學科,包括:「土木工 程、測量及建造工程」、「心理及語言學」、「社會及行 為科學」、「人文學及藝術」、「自然科學」,以及「教 育」等。在傑出青年學者計劃申請類別中,本校於「人 文學及社會科學」及「自然科學」兩個組別中,共有九 個項目獲得資助,包括:「心理及語言學」、「社會及行
In the GRF category, the University was awarded 18 projects under the Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Physical Sciences Panels, which include the subject disciplines of Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building and Construction, Psychology and Linguistics, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Physical Sciences and Education. In the ECS category, the University was awarded nine projects under the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Physical Sciences Panels, which include the subject disciplines of Psychology and Linguistics, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Education and Mathematics. With these newly funded projects and those previously awarded, senior academics and emerging young scholars at the University are undertaking 156 ongoing projects funded by the RGC and the Central Policy Unit, with a total awarded amount of HK$92.23 million, on a
wide array of disciplines and subjects covering the aforementioned areas, among others.
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016
A student in Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities programme applies his subject knowledge and skills in an observation room

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