Page 23 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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and non-pro t making sectors. By connecting with their mentors through regular exchanges, participating students have precious opportunities
to gain better understanding of Education as well as other professions. The mentor-mentee relations allow the former to pass on their values and experience to the younger generation, broadening the latter’s horizons.
Salute to Teaching Excellence
The University is widely known for providing quality teacher education, as evidenced by the continued outstanding performance of and awards bestowed on its graduates. In the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence 2015/2016 scheme, out of a total of 41 recipients in
the three key learning areas of Curriculum Leadership, Mathematics Education Key Learning Area and Special Educational Needs, 35 (85 per cent) were alumni of the University, with 12 receiving awards and 23 certi cates of merit. Since the inception of the scheme in 2003, 602 out of 888 awards (75 per cent) have been presented to graduates of
the University and its predecessor Institute and colleges of education. Some of the awardees have been invited to serve as teaching advisors
at the University’s Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching to disseminate exemplary practices to the school community, among
other things.
School-University-Reaching-Enterprises (SURE) Partnership Project
六年度行政長官卓越教學獎,於「課程領導」、「數學 教 育 學 習 領 域 」、 及 「 特 殊 教 育 需 要 」 三 個 重 要 教 育 領 域 中,共 有 三 十 五 名 得 獎 者 為 本 校 校 友( 佔 得 獎 者 總數百分之八十五),包括十二名獲卓越教學獎,二十 三 名 獲 嘉 許 狀。該 獎 自 二 零 零 三 年 成 立 以 來,共 頒 發 八百八十八個獎項,其中六百零二個(佔總數百分之七 十五)乃頒予香港教育大學及其前身師範學院的畢業 生。本校已邀請當中部份得獎者擔任本校卓越教學發 展中心顧問,向教育界示範優秀教學方法。
Learning and Teaching 學與教
Inauguration ceremony for the 2015/16 Enlightening Professionals Mentorship Scheme
「 燃 亮 專 業 」啟 導 計 劃 二 零 一 五 / 一 六 啟 動 禮
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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