In writing this second Foreword to the Annual Report as Chairman of the Council, I take great pride in reviewing the achievements of our Institute over the last year.
Following the promulgation of the Strategic Plan 2009-12
and Beyond in June 2009, the Institute has been proceeding with the support of the Government to realise its goals.
Our achievements in only a year have been impressive.
The Institute has entered a new stage of development – “Education Plus”, extending its academic footprint from the core Education field into complementary Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. From the 2010-11 academic
year, the Institute will be offering a new Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies, Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Global and Environmental Studies and Bachelor of Health Education (Honours). At the postgraduate level, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy research programmes, and a number of new taught Master’s degree programmes, have been introduced.
To further expand the Institute’s programme profile,
another undergraduate degree programme, the Bachelor
of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture, will be
launched in 2011-12.
During the year, the Graduate School was established to enhance our capacity in research training. In addition,
there are now five Institute-level and 10 Faculty-level research centres, providing the infrastructure necessary to advance
a research-active culture. With these developments,
I am confident that the Institute is transforming itself into
an education-focused, multidisciplinary institution with
strong research capacities.
In line with its aspiration to establish Hong Kong as a regional education hub, the HKSAR Government has identified education as one of the six pillars of its development strategy for the 21st century knowledge-based economy. To realise these changes, there is a continuous and pressing need to enhance the “intellectual capacity-building” of our next generation through quality education. As a leading education-focused institution in Hong Kong, the Institute embraces
a core mission of providing the best education for young people who aspire to become professional teachers or pursue careers related to education, teaching and learning.
At the Institute, we are mindful that although hardware and programme design are important, the nurturing of quality teachers and the inspiration of leaders in education of the future is built on the quality of our People. Under the capable leadership of the President, Professor Anthony Cheung,
and the Senior Management team, the Institute has been
able to attract internationally renowned scholars over the past two years. These new academic leaders have brought with them a wealth of knowledge and contacts which will
serve to enhance the quality and the leading role of the Institute in the years ahead.
People are the “Power” behind change, both within
institutions and across societies. As we embark on our
exciting “Education Plus” journey, we aspire to make an impact on the communities that we serve. Through nurturing educators and social leaders, and through the transfer
of knowledge from our research and scholarship activities,
we aim to become an institution that will be “Powering Education” not just for Hong Kong, but also for the region.
This spirit of “Powering Education” through harnessing the strength of People is equally true for the Council. I am particularly glad to welcome a number of new members joining the Council. They include Professors John Lee, Andrew Chan and Dennis McInerney, Dr Fung Shu-fun, Miss Stella Lee, Ms Ruth Shek, Ms Anna Hui, Messrs Teddy Tang, Rimsky Yuen and Ivan Choy. I am certain that the Council and the Institute will benefit from their expertise and rich experience in community service. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks for the invaluable service given to the Institute by retired and outgoing Members, including Miss Leung Wing-yan, Miss Catherine Yen, Messrs Eddie Ng,
Ma Siu-leung, Tai Hay-lap, Victor Cheng and Phillip Jones,
and Professors Lee Wing-on and Leslie Lo.
One of the key reasons for Hong Kong’s success is that we cherish and nurture talent, our greatest asset. The community fully understands that our ability to rise and thrive depends
on the quality of our human capital. There are no short cuts,
and there is definitely no better alternative, to enhancing
the capacities of our talents except through education.
By “Powering Education”, it is my deep conviction that the Institute will be making an ever greater contribution to the development of Hong Kong and the region.

Mr Pang Yiu-kai, SBS, JP
Chairman of the Council |