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Annual Report 2009-2010
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Appendix I

HKIEd Council Committee Structure
As at 30 June 2010

Appendix II

The Council Membership
As at 30 June 2010

Members Appointed pursuant to Section 8(1)(f) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education Ordinance
Mr PANG Yiu-kai, SBS, JP

Deputy Chairman
Mr Patrick MA Ching-hang, BBS

Dr Eric LI Ka-cheung, GBS, JP

Other Members
Professor Andrew CHAN Chi-fai, SBS, JP
Dr Susan FAN Yun-sun
Professor Edmond KO, JP
Mrs Lydia LAM LEE Tuen-yee
Miss Stella LEE Wai-fun
Professor Frederick LEUNG Koon-shing
Ms Bella LO Sung-yi
Ms Ruth SHEK Yuk-yu
Mr Teddy TANG Chun-keung, MH
Dr Jimmy WONG Chi-ho, BBS, JP
Mr Rimsky YUEN Kwok-keung, SC

Public Officer Appointed pursuant to Section 8(1)(c) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education Ordinance
Secretary for Education (“SE”)
Mrs Betty IP TSANG Chui-hing, representative of SE
Staff Members Elected pursuant to Section 8(1)(e) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education Ordinance
Dr FUNG Shu-fun
Ms Anna HUI Sui-yee
Dr WONG Ping-ho
Members Nominated by the Academic Board and Appointed by the Council pursuant to Section 8(1)(d) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education Ordinance
Professor LAM Chi-chung
Dr NG Shun-wing
Dr SO Kwok-sang
Full-time Student Appointed pursuant to Section 8(1)(g) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education Ordinance

Mr Ivan CHOY Chun-ho

Ex-Officio Members pursuant to Sections 8(1)(a)&(b) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education Ordinance

Professor Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, JP
Professor CHENG Yin-cheong
Vice President (Research and Development)
Mr Chris MONG Chan
Vice President (Administration)

Mr Chris MONG Chan
Vice President (Administration)

Five Members retired from the Council during the year:
Miss LEUNG Wing-yan
(up to 18 March 2010)
Mr Eddie NG Hak-kim, JP
(up to 24 April 2010)
Professor Leslie LO Nai-kwai
(up to 24 April 2010)
Mr MA Siu-leung, MH
(up to 24 April 2010)
Miss Catherine YEN Kai-shun
(up to 24 April 2010)

One Member resigned from the Council during the year:
Mr TAI Hay-lap, BBS, JP
(up to 29 November 2009)

Three Members ceased to be Member of the Council during the year:
Mr Victor CHENG Pat-leung
(up to 19 August 2009)
Mr Phillip David JONES
(up to 7 September 2009)
Professor LEE Wing-on, MH
(up to 30 April 2010)

Appendix III

Council Committee Membership
As at 30 June 2010

Audit Committee
Dr Jimmy WONG Chi-ho, BBS, JP

Mr CHAN Wing-kwong, MH
Professor Andrew CHAN Chi-fai, SBS, JP
Mrs Lydia LAM LEE Tuen-yee

Miss Connie WONG Tsz-mei


Donation Committee
Mr Patrick MA Ching-hang, BBS

Ms Bella LO Sung-yi
Dr Jimmy WONG Chi-ho, BBS, JP
Dr Angela CHEUNG WONG Wan-Yiu, JP
Dr Simon IP Sik-on, JP
Mr KWOK Tsun-kee
Mr Edwin LEONG Siu-hung
Dr Angela LUK CHIU Kwan-hung, BBS
Mr Frank YU Siu-fung
Professor Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, JP
Mr Chris MONG Chan

Ms Patricia LUI Shi-mun


Finance Committee
Dr Eric LI Ka-cheung, GBS, JP

Miss Stella LEE Wai-fun

Professor Frederick LEUNG Koon-shing
Ms Bella LO Sung-yi
Mr Teddy TANG Chun-keung, MH
Dr SO Kwok-sang
Ms Anna HUI Sui-yee
Professor Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, JP
Mr Chris MONG Chan

Ms Sarah WONG Man-yee


The Superannuation and Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Management Sub-committee of the Finance Committee
Mr Chris MONG Chan

Professor Frederick LEUNG Koon-shing

Ms Anna HUI Sui-yee
Dr SO Kwok-sang
Dr FUNG Shu-fun
Ms Loretta LEUNG Mee-kuen
Mr Milton FAN Yiu-kuen
Ms Winnie WONG Miu-ling

Ms Sarah WONG Man-yee


Investment Sub-committee of the Finance Committee
Dr Eric LI Ka-cheung, GBS, JP

Miss Stella LEE Wai-fun
Mr Chris MONG Chan
Ms Sarah WONG Man-yee

Mr Raymond LAM Ying-po


The Hong Kong Institute of Education Development Fund
Professor Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, JP

Professor CHENG Yin-cheong
Mr Louis LIU Man-shan
Mr Chris MONG Chan
Ms Sarah WONG Man-yee

Ms Sarah WONG Man-yee


Honorary Degrees Committee
Mr PANG Yiu-kai, SBS, JP

Mr Patrick MA Ching-hang, BBS
Professor Edmond KO, JP
Professor Magdalena MOK Mo-ching
Professor ZHU Qingzhi
Professor Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, JP

Mr Chris MONG Chan


Staffing Committee
Mr Patrick MA Ching-hang, BBS

Dr Susan FAN Yun-sun

Professor Edmond KO, JP
Dr NG Shun-wing
Ms Ruth SHEK Yuk-yu
Dr WONG Ping-ho
Mr Rimsky YUEN Kwok-keung, SC
Professor Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, JP
Mr Chris MONG Chan

Mrs Belinder YUEN LAW Oi-kwan


Staff Appeal Sub-committee of the Staffing Committee
Dr Susan FAN Yun-sun

Mr Rimsky YUEN Kwok-keung, SC

Dr NG Shun-wing
Dr WONG Ping-ho
Professor Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, JP

Mrs Belinder YUEN LAW Oi-kwan

Appendix IV

Academic Board Membership
As at 30 June 2010

Professor Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung

Professor Kerry KENNEDY
Mr Chris MONG Chan
Professor CHENG Yin-cheong
Professor Joshua MOK Ka-ho
Professor LO Sing Kai
Professor LAM Chi-chung
Professor Samuel LEONG
Professor Dennis MCINERNEY
Professor Margaret WONG Ngai-chun
Professor Leonard CHAN Kwok-kou
Professor ZHU Qingzhi
Dr Jacqueline CHAN Kin-sang
Dr Sam LEUNG Cheung-shing
Professor Philip BENSON
Professor Allan David WALKER
Professor Joanne CHUNG Wai-yee
Professor Bob ADAMSON
Dr KONG Siu-cheung
Professor CHENG Sheung-tak
Professor Christine FORLIN
Dr Winnie SO Wing-mui
Professor Paul HARRIS
Professor Philip HALLINGER
Professor Thomas Andrew KIRKPATRICK
Professor Rupert MACLEAN
Professor Magdalena MOK Mo-ching
Professor Benjamin T’SOU Ka-yin
Professor WANG Wen-chung
Dr Wally FUNG Yik-wo
Dr LAI Kwok-chan
Dr Andrew SMITH
Dr Thomas TAM Cheung-on
Dr Doris CHENG Pui-wah
Dr NG Shun-wing
Dr Randal HOLME
Dr TSE Ka-ho
Miss TAM Ka-yi
   Student Representative
Miss CHENG Wing-yin
   Student Representative
Mr CHEN Zezhao
   Student Representative
Member and Secretary
Dr SO Kwok-sang

Appendix V
Organisation Structure
As at 1 September 2010