Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 8, Issue 2, Article 6 (Dec., 2007)

The influence of constructivism on nature of Science as an area of research and as a classroom subject

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Conclusion and implications

It seems clear from examining both the research and the teaching literature that constructivism has influenced research on the teaching and learning of the nature of science, as well as actual teaching of the nature of science ideas. In the area of research, a constructivist learning theory perspective has influenced researchers to shift from using quantitative research techniques to using qualitative research methods in investigating the nature of science in the science classrooms. In the area of promoting the teaching of the nature of science, a constructivist learning theory perspective has influenced science educators to shift from merely emphasizing the teaching of the history of science in science classrooms to sequencing in instruction in science lessons and promotion of better teacher preparation programs in the universities. Implications for classroom teaching could be formation of cooperative learning groups and letting student in these groups to talk freely about issues of nature of science among themselves and share these ideas with the whole class, so that they can explore more in-depth their misconceptions. Another implication could be giving students in these groups homework where they will explore the life of a famous scientist and act his life in front of the class or present it as a slide show.


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