Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 21, Issue 1, Article 9 (Dec., 2021)
The fascinating physics inside a magazine or a newspaper

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Inside a magazine or newspaper (magazine will give a better result because it is thick and easy to handle. Newspaper can get wet during the demonstration) pour some water with paper glass or a cup and invert the magazine or newspaper. And then pour the water back to the glass. You will see that water is still there and same amount. In addition, you will see the water is not leaking from the newspaper or magazine in both cases which are when you pour the water and when you invert the magazine or newspaper. Isn’t it astonishing? Is it a magic? How can this happen?
In this article, we answer the question, “how can this happen?”. And we present a demonstration where the water flows throughout a pathway like travelling in a U tube. The innovation in this demonstration presented here is that it arouses wonder and mystery with the set up.


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