
March 19, 2018 (Monday) |
8:45 a.m. |
Opening and Welcome Prof. Allan Walker Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership Director, Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change & Dean, Faculty of Education and Human Development The Education University of Hong Kong Mr Xu Hui Director Education Bureau of Jianggan District Hangzhou, China |
9:30 a.m. |
Group Photo | |
9:35 a.m. |
Keynote Speech #1 Prof. Philip Hallinger TSDF Chair Professor of Leadership Mahidol University, Thailand Topic: Leadership Effects on Teacher Learning: What are we learning? |
10:15 a.m. |
Break |
10:45 a.m. |
Working Session I: Leadership for Teacher Learning |
12:00 nn |
Lunch |
1:30 p.m. |
Keynote Speech #2 Dr Xiu Cravens Associate Dean for International Affairs Peabody College of Education and Human Development Vanderbilt University, United States of America Topic: Studying School Leadership in Cross-Cultural Contexts: Mixed Methods |
2:10 p.m. |
Keynote Speech #3 Dr Helen Goode Lecturer University of Melbourne, Australia Topic: Teachers' Perspectives on Leading Teacher Learning |
2:50 p.m. |
Break | |
3:15 p.m. |
Working Session II: Research Leadership – What Leaders Want |
4:30 p.m. | Summary | |
6:30 p.m. |
Dinner | |
March 20, 2018 (Tuesday) |
9:00 a.m. |
Welcome |
9:10 a.m. |
Keynote Speech #4 Dr Qian Haiyan Associate Professor and APCLC Research Fellow The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Topic: Leadership and Teacher Professional Learning in China |
9:50 a.m. |
Break |
10:15 a.m. | Working Session III: Leadership for Learning Across Cultures |
11:30 a.m. | Keynote / Summary Speech of ALR 2018: Prof. James Spillane Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Professor in Learning and Organizational Change Professor, School of Education and Social Policy Faculty Associate, Institute for Policy Research Northwestern University, United States of America Topic: Researching Leadership and Teacher Learning: Back to (Research) Basics |
12:00 nn |
Summary |
12:15 p.m. |
Lunch |