Page 23 - Agency Project
P. 23
Be realistic. Consider the following example. You and your colleagues are
interested in the work of Educational Assistants (EAs) in your schools. During
your fact finding, you discover that EAs are not trained and do not have Position
Descriptions to guide their work. You thus decide to narrow down your line of
inquiry to something like this:
Will the development of position descriptions for EAs improve their
work relationship with teachers by clearly defining what roles and
responsibilities they can be assigned in the classroom?
Please note that this says what you will actually be doing in your project (that is,
developing position descriptions for teachers’ aides and seeing if that makes a
difference to work relationships), and that you can accomplish it within about a
3-month timeframe.
2.3 Important reminders
> Keep your lines of inquiry as simple as possible. As a rule of thumb,
your project should not take more than a few months to complete.
The solutions you propose should not be too complex but be realistic
about what you can achieve.
> Your principal has to agree to your proposal. This means
discussing it with her/him at least once and more often, if feasible. The
principal or liaison should approve your written plan.