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Frequently Asked Questions

Can adaptive learning help drawing students' attention?
Studies have shown lower achievers may feel that differentiation of standards and simplification of tasks overtly draws attention to their limitations.
How to work out adaptive learning content design?
Use water-down approach. Modify the teaching content of each topic. The golden rule is that modification of content should be as little as possible.
How to deliver curriculum effectively?
Identify which part is the critical knowledge, critical knowledge is not learning objective, however. breaking down teaching contents and teach with an approach more tailor-made for students.
Is there any systematic method to adopt during the content design process of adaptive learning?
Critical knowledge can be classified into four types of knowledge set out below: - Declarative knowledge (fact and information) - Procedural knowledge (knowing how, executing particular task - Conceptual knowledge (abstract ideas) - Strategic knowledge (drawing all knowledge to engage in complex task)