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About the Project

Welcome to this project hosted by the Department of Education Policy and Leadership, the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), funded by the Quality Education Fund. This project aims to construct an adaptive blended learning community for business teachers and students. Meanwhile, it also does researches on students’ learning patterns with which the results help educators to effectively apply the blended learning approach.

In this project, we had revolved to enhance the effectiveness of the adaptive blended learning community. Evaluations were conducted regarding modifications to the blended learning platform and teaching pedagogy. Students gained access to teaching videos, received immediate feedback on assessments, interacted with teachers, and generally learned in a more flexible way.

We hope that this booklet goes beyond introducing you to the idea of adaptive blended learning. We hope you and your students to explore a more dynamic learning approach so that individual needs of students could be catered in their learning process.

I would like to express my appreciation to Mr Eric Tai and Mr Wan Shiu Kee from the Hong Kong Association for Business Education (HKABE) for their expertise in this project.

Dr Maxwell Ho
Principle Investigator