Page 39 - Overview Booklet
P. 39

Blue skies is now on Facebook, you can locate us at

                          Term        Description

                          Mini-       Booklets written to support Beginning Principals learning on a range
                          Modules     of topics.
                          Peer Mentor  The Sponsor takes on the role of peer mentor — providing support
                                      and guidance to Beginning Principals.

                          Principal   The Sponsor takes on the role of principal coach — providing explicit
                          Coach       instruction, advice, and modeling for Beginning Principals.

                          Professional  The  Sponsor  takes  on the role of  professional  counsel—providing
                          Counsel     political, legal and regulatory advice to Beginning Principals.

                          Showcase    Formalish sharing session run by Beginning Principals. The focus is on
                          Forum       sharing exciting things happening in their schools.
                          Shadow      During the programme, Learning Squares meet for a total of one full
                          Learning    day for  ‘shadowing’ their Sponsor and/or colleagues. This may involve
                                      other activities.
                          Sponsor     An experienced and successful principal who has formally agreed to
                                      assist and support the professional learning of a beginning principal
                                      for the duration of the blue skies programme.

                          Stimulus    A series  of  regular  meetings during  which Beginning Principals  and
                          Series      Sponsors will be exposed to stimulating speakers.

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