Page 38 - Overview Booklet
P. 38
Some terms and words used in this Programme:
Term Description
Advisory Sponsor An experienced and successful principal who has been
heavily involved in leader development for many years. They
are available to provide specific support to individuals facing
difficult issues.
blue skies Calendar A list of important dates. Please put in your diary.
Explorations Little tasks set between formal learning activities.
Head Sponsor An experienced and successful principal who is responsible
for monitoring, supporting and coordinating Learning
Innovation Short sharp session run by Sponsors. These focus on
Showcase innovative practices in their schools. It is held during the
Knowledge Spikes Short, sharp summaries of research and new ideas.
Learning Square A learning ‘set’ or team comprising three Beginning Principals
and a Sponsor.
Learning Square The celebratory get-together by members of a Learning
Party Square. Usually involves rich food and lots of laughter.
Learning Square A series of regular networking and professional learning
Meetings meetings, held in schools (can still involve food and laughter).
Live-in Learning A two-day programme where Learning Squares will work
together and also work with colleagues in larger groups. Also
food and laughter.