Page 30 - Mini-Module 7
P. 30

Conclusions and Implications

                          This study investigated secondary school teachers’ perceptions about
                          teacher leadership and its role in promoting school revitalisation.
                          Teachers’ perceptions formed the basis of the study because these can
                          shed new light on teacher capacities to develop a new kind of
                          professionalism and collective leadership based on mutual trust,
                          recognition, empowerment, and support. Such capacities — namely
                          personal,  interpersonal,  and  organisational  capacities  —  are
                          interconnected with organisational learning conducive to a school
                          culture of professional learning communities. Only by attaining such
                          capacity can schools secure and sustain continuous improvement.

                          This study illuminated four issues about teacher leadership and school

                          First, teacher leadership is a blend of personality and chemistry arising
                          from teachers’ responses to developments not only within, but also
                          outside the educational context. Whether teacher leadership can
                          contribute to secondary school revitalisation in Hong Kong depends on
                          a reciprocal process that builds capacity at the personal, interpersonal,
                          and organisational levels.
                          Second, teacher leadership can contribute to secondary school
                          revitalisation when both teacher leaders and their principal engage
                          together through parallel leadership for improved student learning.

                          Third,  both  school  reculturing   and  school  restructuring  are
                          prerequisites of school revitalisation.

                          Fourth, the culture in which teachers find themselves has a strong
                          impact on the extent of leadership they exercise.
                          Given such findings, teacher leadership cannot be nurtured or
                          sustained in a system with different definitions of teachers’ roles in
                          terms of school development or improvement. A review of the current
                          teacher development programs as well as principal training courses in
                          Hong Kong is much needed, so that teacher leadership identity can be
                          constructed in an enabling culture at different levels.

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