Page 36 - Mini-Module 4
P. 36

Strategic adoption of
                                   Media-space Communications

                          Unfortunately media-space technology can be adopted by school’s
                          without coherent preparation – that is, it can be almost thrust upon
                          schools by external factors and through an ad-hoc and headlong rush
                          into new technologies.
                          With regards to the example 1, “SMS messaging” above, the school has
                          to carefully evaluate if parents will respond positively to receiving SMS
                          messages on their mobile phones (cell phones) about their children’s
                          absences, or if they will find such communications intrusive and
                          In Case Study 4 (page 20), “”, for instance, the
                          school has been forced into rapidly developing and implementing a
                          policy on the use of  websites as a communication device between
                          In deciding upon media-space communications, school leadership
                          needs to consider such factors as:

                          1.   Appropriate technology – while the school may be able to afford
                              and have the skills to adopt particular ICT methods, are the
                              parents and families of their community similarly skilled?  For
                              example, if the school switches to email based communications,
                              do all parents of students have daily access to this form of

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