Page 28 - Mini-Module 4
P. 28

Case Study 3

                               Like wildfire a 6-second video clip was sent from mobile
                               phone to mobile phone reaching the majority of the
                               school’s student population.  The clip was also sent to
                               some parents and within the hour had made it to the desk
                               of the local newspaper editor.  The clip – taken by a
                               student on his mobile phone - showed a distressingly
                               violent fight on the school grounds.  In the clip one boy
                               was seen punching and kicking another boy on the ground
                               while around the boys was a large crowd of students
                               yelling “Kick him!” and “Let the **** have it”.
                               The editor scanned out 8 images and printed them on the
                               front page of the paper with the head line “HORROR AT
                               HIGH SCHOOL”.  This news item created a storm of ‘letters
                               to the editor’ most of which condemned of the school and
                               of the ‘lax’ standards of teachers.
                               Within 2 days, 8 families took their children from the
                               school and enrolled them elsewhere.  The principal of the
                               school came under intense criticism for his handling of the
                               matter, and was threatened with removal from his post.

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