Page 15 - Mini-Module 2
P. 15

For example consider buying an Apartment.  Under the
                           Positional Negotiation system, the negotiation begins with
                           the Real Estate Agent offering you a price.  You than make
                           your own position (you offer a lower price). … and so forth. In
                           Interest Based Negotiation, the Real Estate Agent does NOT
                           begin with a price, but by asking you to describe what you
                           are looking for and what you want in an Apartment.  You also
                           start – not be offering a $$$ term, but by asking about the
                           Apartment and about why the owner wants to sell.  This may
                           take some time and include finding out about the property
                           owner’s interests from other sources, and by exploring other
                           Apartments on the market to make sure you clearly
                           understand your own interests.  Price is the last thing to be
                           discussed and then only after each parties interests are well

                       Event                                    Comment

                  Start by discussing   Henry begins – not by telling staff he wants them to work until 5.30, but by
                  people’s interests.    calling a meeting to discuss the situation and to find  out why the  office
                  Do not start with   closes so early.  What has happened in the past?
                  an offer, put offers
                  aside until later.
                  Focus on interests   Are the staff committed to other activities or do they have personal reasons
                  not positions.     for leaving early?  What is their concern?
                  Deal with people
                  not problems.
                  Generate options   Working together Henry and the admin staff come up with the plan that the
                  for mutual gain   office will be kept open until 5pm, and that to off set the extra time worked,
                                    that the staff will have an extra day off a month.
                  Reality testing.
                                    Is the agreement still OK after a cooling off period and is it worth having the
                                    office open until late … do parents use this time to come to the school.

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