Page 26 - Mini-Module 10
P. 26


                           Any number of time management ‘tips’ become irrelevant if you do
                           not arrange your time.  More than likely you will quickly regress to
                           your old habits.  By this stage you should be aware of where you
                           are going (goals), have analyzed how you presently spend your
                           time, assigned priorities to your actions and begun to plan how to
                           eliminate time thieves. Now you need to be sure to plan.  How you
                           plan time is a personal thing – different ways work for different
                           people – but you should at least keep a yearly and a week/day
                           planner. Some people prefer to use computer or PDA based
                           planners – such as those included with Microsoft Outlook, whereas
                           others still prefer paper diaries.

                           A Yearly Planner

                           If you use a paper Yearly Planner consider recording a number of
                           things – it may be best to use a colour-coded system.  You may, for
                           example, want to use green dots to indicate your holidays:
                           something to look forward to!  Use a red ‘warning dot’ to signal
                           when any major reports or presentations are due: regular yearly or
                           biannual reports, or promotion exercises.  You can also block in
                           regular meetings you must attend and pre-planned business trips.
                           By  recording  all  these  dates  (and  times)  you  will  know
                           approximately how much time you have available.  You may be
                           surprised at how little is left.  Of course, you will need to update the
                           planner fairly regularly.  Many computer programmes do allow you
                           to colour code.

                           A Week/Day Planner

                           A weekly or Day planner gives you a more detailed system for
                           planning your work.  Decide what needs to be done during the
                           week and then prioritize your actions.  Before you do this, however,
                           transfer relevant information from the yearly planner.  So before
                           you schedule the week’s events  your planner may already be
                           somewhat full.

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