Page 21 - Mini-Module 10
P. 21

Thief 6: Too Much Paper Work, Too Much Emails

                                ●    Many people spend too long doing paperwork or replying
                                ●    Set aside time each day to deal with mail.
                                ●    Prioritize and categorize your ‘paper’.

                                ●    Do not write a reply unless it is necessary.
                                ●    Use the phone whenever you can.
                                ●    Handle each paper only once.
                                ●    Communicate verbally.
                                ●    When you must write, keep it simple and to the point.

                                Thief  7: Poor Communication

                                ●    Think about how you communicate.
                                ●    Decide which medium is most suitable.
                                ●    Match communication to task complexity.
                                ●    Do not ‘over-communicate’.

                                ●    Ensure lines of communication are open.
                                ●    Use understandable language.

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