Page 99 - ALR2019 Handbook
P. 99

Prof. Pierre Tulowitzki
                                                 Ludwigsburg University of Education

                         Pierre Tulowitzki is a junior professor at the Ludwigsburg University of Education
                         in  Germany.  He  is  the  head  of  the  Department  for  International  Educational
                         Leadership and Management as well as the German Director for the International
                         Education Management Programme, an international masters programme that is
                         offered in cooperation with the Helwan University, Egypt. His research interests
                         revolve around leadership and innovation in schools.

                         Pierre  Tulowitzki  serves  as  the  Link  Convenor  of  the  Educational  Leadership
                         Network of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) as  well as  a
                         member  of  the  Executive  Board  of  the  International  Congress  for  School
                         Effectiveness and Improvement.

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