Page 20 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 20

Mr Anthony Mackay
                                      Centre for Strategic Education (CSE), Melbourne

              Anthony  Mackay  is  CEO,  Centre  for  Strategic  Education  (CSE)  Melbourne,

              Anthony is Chair, Advisory Board, National Institute for School Leadership, NCEE,
              Washington DC and Deputy Chair of the Education Council, New Zealand.

              Tony is Co-Chair of the Global Education Leaders Partnership (GELP) and a Director
              (Inaugural Chair) of the Innovation Unit Ltd (London). He is an expert advisor to
              OECD/CERI (Paris) and to the Global Cities Education Network (New York).

              Anthony is Chair of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), and
              Deputy Chancellor, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia.

              Anthony  was  Inaugural  Chair,  Australian  Institute  for  Teaching  and  School
              Leadership  (AITSL),  and  Inaugural  Deputy  Chair,  Australian  Curriculum,
              Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).

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