Month & Year |
Speaker/Author |
Conference/Arena |
Topic |
2020 |
Miss FONG Yasmin & Dr James KO |
International Conference on Learning and Teaching (ICLT) 2020.
(virtual conference) |
Examining the Impact of Teaching Instructions on Young Children’s
Visual and Creative Thinking: A Vygotskian Perspective |
2020 |
Miss WU Eliza
& Dr James KO |
International Conference on Learning and Teaching (ICLT) 2020.
(virtual conference) |
Experiences of Constructing Physical and Social Knowledge
in Child-Adult Interactions: An Experimental Study
on Dialogue Teaching
and Storybook Reading |
2020 |
Prof Allan WALKER |
The Conference on International Chinese Teaching and Learning, 2020,
English Schools Foundation, Hong Kong |
Keynote Address: Crafting Leadership from Crisis |
2020 |
Dr QIAN Haiyan |
The Conference on International Chinese Teaching and Learning, 2020,
English Schools Foundation, Hong Kong |
Keynote Address:
Rethinking Schooling and Leadership in Turbulent Times:
Learning Points for Chinese Language Teachers |
2020 |
Prof CHENG Yin Cheong |
The TRT World Forum 2020, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Invited Presentation:
The Future of Work and Education in the Post-pandemic World. |
2020 |
Dr QIAN Haiyan
& Dr LU Jiafang |
The Conference on International Chinese Teaching and Learning, 2020,
English Schools Foundation, Hong Kong |
特邀演講:常規功夫和非常規招式:引領學校創新 |
2020 |
Dr QIAN Haiyan |
粵港澳大灣區教育改革與發展論壇(2020), Shenzhen University, China |
特邀演講:構建深港校長發展共同體:構思和行動 |
2020 |
Dr LU Jiafang |
第四屆教育治理與學校變革研討會, 中國華東師範大學 |
特邀演講:校長創新領導力:常規功夫非常規式 |
2020 |
Dr Chen Junjun |
第四屆教育治理與學校變革研討會,中國深圳大學 |
Invited presentation: Leading with Emotional Intelligence |
2020 |
Dr Choi Taehee
& Mr. H. CHAN |
The 18th AsiaTEFL International Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Language-in-education Plicy Formation through a Consultation-based System:
The Case of Multilingual Curricula in Cambodian Universities. |
October 2020 |
Ms MerMeruyert Seidumanova |
GSPP Online Conference on Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia and the Challenges of Covid-19, Kazakhstan. (virtual conference) |
Invited Presentation:
Systematic review of educational responses to the Covid-19 in Kazakhstan |
September 2020 |
Dr Choi Taehee |
Webinar of the Leading Education in the Age of Disruption (LEAD) project
of the Development Academy of the Philippines, APO, Philipines. |
Invited Presentation:
Preparing Teachers for Crisis-triggered Remote Learning:
Working with Third Parties |
September 2020 |
Dr Choi Taehee |
Webinar of the Leading Education in the Age of Disruption (LEAD) project
of the Development Academy of the Philippines, APO, Philipines. |
Invited Presentation:
Contextual Factors in the Design and Implementation of
Impactful Education Policies under the New Normal |
September 2020 |
Prof Allan WALKER |
‘Agile Leaders Innovation Network’ (ALL-IN) Strategic Planning Meeting, Doha, Qatar |
Invited Presentation:
New Paradigm that Considered School Leadership Development |
September 2020 |
Prof Allan WALKER |
The HEAD Foundation Webinar Series:
Eductional Leadership in a Crisis, Singapore |
Expert Panel / Invited Presentation:
Nuturing Teachers and Staff |
September 2020 |
Dr QIAN Haiyan |
The WORLD EDUCATION LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM Online Conference, PhZug, Switzerland |
Invited Presentations:
COVID-19 - Crisis in Socioety and Impact on Education
and Practices of
Eduction Around the World |
September 2020 |
Miss LIU Cuina &
Prof CHUNG Kevin Kien Hoa
Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, China |
Relationships of Paired Associate Learning and Cognitive-Linguistic Skills
to Chinese Reading Skills in Kindergarten Children
July 2020 |
Miss LIU Cuina,
Dr CHEUNG Sum Kwing,
Prof CHUNG Kevin Kien Hoa &
Dr. LAM Chun Bun Ian |
International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech |
The Roles of Executive Functioning and Oral Language Skills
in Young Chinese Children’s Arithmetic Competence |
July 2020 |
Mr Prem POUDEL |
Webinar on 'Producing a journal article'
jointly organized by Far-Western University and NELTA Kanchanpur, Nepal
Invited Presentation: Reviewing Literature |
July 2020 |
Mr Prem POUDEL |
StayAtHome Continue to Learn Webinar Series
jointly organized by British Council and NELTA Kathmandu, Nepal
Invited Presentation: Teaching Productive Skills |
June 2020 |
Dr Maxwell HO & LU Jiafang |
The Future of Education, International Conference, Florence, Italy. |
The Impact of Teacher Entrepreneurial Behaviour:
A Timely Investigation of an Emerging Phenomenon. |
June 2020 |
Prof CHENG Yin Cheong |
The LEARNTech Asia Conferenc, Online International Conference |
Invited Presentation:
Multiple Disruptions of COVID-19:
Paradigm Shift in Tertiary Learning |
June 2020 |
Prof CHENG Yin Cheong |
The Arabic Regional Dialogue
“The Futures of Education after COVID-19
The UNESCO-RCEP-CO Webinar |
Keynote Address:
The Futures of Education after COVID-19:
Multiple Disruptions and Lessons |
May 2020 |
Prof Allan WALKER |
The Brown Collective Webinar of Pathway to School Leadership program, Australia |
Invited Presentation:
International Perspectives on
Education Leadership and Policy |
April 2020 |
Prof Allan WALKER |
The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)
and Salzburg Global Seminars, Doha, UAE |
Invited Presentation:
Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined |
April 2020 |
Dr Ewan WRIGHT |
American Educational Research Association Annual Convention 2020,
San Francisco, USA |
Does the International Baccalaureate “Work”
as an Alternative to Mainstream Schooling? |
April 2020 |
Prof CHENG Yin Cheong |
The 6th International Conference on Education (ICEDU 2020), Bangkok, Thailand |
Keynote Address:
Towards the 3rd Wave Education Reforms for the Future |
February 2020 |
Dr TANG Hei Hang Hayes
The RIHE 24th Open, Research Institute of Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University, Japan |
University Knowledge Exchange in a Global City:
Perspectives from Academic Profession
January 2020 |
Dr SZETO Sing Ying Elson |
Summit Internacional Educacion 2020, Santiago, Chile |
Invited Presentation:
Principal Leadership for School Improvement |
January 2020 |
Dr LAM Bick Har |
The Annual Teachers Sharing Forum from
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust British Council Core Skills
for Life Programme. British Council, Hong Kong |
Plenary Speech:
Preparing Teachers for Teaching Innovations - What Matters? |
January 2020 |
Dr KO Yue On James &
Dr LI Wanlu Valarie |
The International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2020, Marrakech, Morocco |
How Does Adaptive Teaching of Effective Teacher Help Students in the Classroom?
Lessons from Hong Kong and China |