Month & Year |
Speaker/Author |
Conference/Arena |
Topic |
December 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong |
Hong Kong Education Policy Roundtable Forum,
Hong Kong. |
Keynote Address:
Hong Kong Education Reforms in a Global Perspective:
Development, Review and Prospect. |
December 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong |
International Conference,
Beijing, China. |
Keynote Address:
School Management Improvement for Quality Enhancement
in Social Emotional Learning. |
November 2014 |
Dr. CHOI Taehee |
Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association,
Hong Kong. |
Translation of a National Foreign Language Literacy Policy
through a Teacher Certification: Writerliness within a Readerly Policy. |
November 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong |
Thailand’s Educational Leader Sympoisum 2014,
Thailand. |
Keynote Address:
Towards the 3rd Wave Teacher Development for Learners of the 21st Century. |
November 2014 |
Prof. Allan WALKER,
Prof.LEE Moosung &
The 42nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society, Brisbane, Australia. |
The Emergence of Elite International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) Schools in China:
A Skyboxification Perspective. |
November 2014 |
Dr. HE Pan &
Dr. Dora HO |
The 3rd International Conference of Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA),
Penany, Malaysia. |
Leadership for School-based Teacher Professional Development in Early Childhood Education:
A Study of Preschools in Hong Kong. |
November 2014 |
Dr. Wang X &
Dr. Dora HO |
The 3rd International Conference of Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA),
Penany, Malaysia. |
Making a Place for Teachers’ Voice:
Understanding Shared Leadership in Western-Style Preschools in Hong Kong” and “A framework for understanding Chinese leadership: A cultural approach. |
November 2014 |
Dr. Dora HO &
Dr. LIU Peng |
The 3rd International Conference of Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA),
Penany, Malaysia. |
Leadership for School-based Teacher Professional Development in Early Childhood Education:
A Study of Preschools in Hong Kong. |
November 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong |
The International Conference on education reform review,
Taiwan. |
Hong Kong Education Reforms:
Review and Future Developments. |
November 2014 |
Dr. LU Jiafang &
Prof. WANG Hong |
Asia Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2014,
Hong Kong. |
Keynote Address:
The Effects of Conflict Management Approaches on Decision Comprehensiveness and Trust
within School Leadership Teams. |
November 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong |
The International Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Education Research,
Hong Kong. |
Prospects of Education Research in Challenges of Globalization. |
November 2014 |
Dr. QIAN Haiyan,
Prof. Allan WALKER &
Prof. YANG Xiaowei |
The Annual Meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration,
Washington, USA. |
Building and Leading Learning Cultures:
A Shanghai Case Study. |
October 2014 |
Prof. Allan WALKER
IB Africa, Europe & Middle East Regional Conference 2014,
Rome, Italy. |
Keynote Address:
Leadership (aspiring) – Forging Path
to Leadership in a Global Context. |
October 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong |
Open Innovations Forum,
Moscow, Russia. |
Keynote Address:
Dynamics in Education:
New Players and Models of Disruption. |
September 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong |
The Malaysian Chinese Education Conference,
Malaysia. |
Keynote Address:
Education Reform and Future Development in Globalization: International Trends and Implications. |
September 2014 |
Prof. Allan WALKER,
Dr. GU Qing &
Prof. Christopher DAY
The BERA 2014 Annual Conference,
London, UK. |
Overview of the Research Design for Reshaping Educational Practice for Improvement: How Successful Schools Enact Government Reforms in England and Hong Kong. |
September 2014 |
Prof. Allan WALKER,
Dr. GU Qing,
Prof. Christopher DAY,
Dr. Darren BRYANT,
Dr. James KO &
Dr. CHEN Junjun |
The BERA 2014 Annual Conference,
London, UK. |
How Successful Secondary Schools in England and Hong Kong Reshape External Educational Reforms:
Key Messages from the Research. |
September 2014 |
Prof. Allan WALKER,
Dr. Darren BRYANT,
Dr. James KO,
Dr. GU Qing
Prof. Christopher DAY |
The BERA 2014 Annual Conference,
London, UK. |
Enacting Values and Educational Purposes:
How Leaders of the Case Studies Schools Mediate Policy
for Improvement. |
September 2014 |
Dr. CHEN Junjun,
Dr. James KO &
The BERA 2014 Annual Conference,
London, UK. |
Models of the Perceived Impact of Headteacher Leadership on Improvements in Pupil Outcomes:
Results from the Survey Research on Senior and Middle Leaders. |
September 2014 |
Prof. Christopher DAY,
Prof. Allan WALKER &
Dr. GU Qing
ECER 2014 -The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe,
Portugal. |
How Successful School Leaders Mediate
and Enact Government Reforms. |
July 2014 |
Dr.Annie CHENG &
Dr. Elson SZETO
BELMAS Conference 2014,
Ettington, UK. |
Development of Teacher Leadership:
The Impact of Principal-teacher interactions.
July 2014 |
Dr. Elson SZETO &
Dr. Annie CHENG
BELMAS Conference 2014,
Ettington, UK. |
Social Justice Leadership:
Opportunities and Challenges.
July 2014 |
Dr. Dora HO
International Forum on Early Childhood Education,
Hangzhou, China. |
Leadership in Early Childhood Education for the Future:
The Experience of Hong Kong.
July 2014 |
Dr. Dora HO,
Dr. LEE Moosung &
Dr. TENG Yue |
66th OMEP World Conference,
Ireland. |
Professional Learning Community
in Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong.
May 2014 |
Dr. YANG Min,
Dr. Darren BRYANT,
Dr. HAN Chung Wai Christina,
Dr. LAM Bick-har &
Dr. LEE Tai-hoi, Theodore
Proceedings of Global Curriculum & Instruction Network (GCIN) Conference,
Hong Kong. |
Exploring Teachers’ and Students’ Experiences of Assessment Feedback in Higher Education.
May 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong
The international symposium organized by the Ministry of Education of Israel Government,
Jerusalem, Israel. |
School-based Management, Paradigm Shift
and Active Learning.
May 2014 |
Prof. Allan WALKER &
Dr. QIAN Haiyan
The First Asia Pacific Congress on Creating Inclusive Schools,
Sydney, Australia. |
Pursuing Equity in a Hierarchical and Authoritarian Political System: The Case of Shanghai.
May 2014 |
Dr. LIU Peng
Transforming Canada-China Educational Cooperation: Significant Legacies and Future Challenges,
Beijing, China. |
Comparing Chinese and Canadian Transformational School Leadership: A Cultural Analysis.
April 2014 |
Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong
2st Meeting of Tatweer International Advisory Committee,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. |
Change Management with Key to Success.
April 2014 |
Prof. Allan WALKER,
Dr. Darren BRYANT &
Dr. James KO
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2014,
Philadelphia, USA. |
How Do School Leaders in Hong Kong Shape Policy Enactment.
April 2014 |
Prof. Philip HALLINGER
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2014,
Philadelphia, USA. |
Leading as Mutual Influence on Change in Schools’
Improvement Capacity.
April 2014 |
Mr CHEN Chia-wen &
Prof. WANG Wen-chung
National Council on Measurement in Education Annual meeting,
Philadelphia, USA. |
Detecting Differential Statement Functioning in Ipsative Tests Using the Logistic Regression Method.
March 2014 |
Dr.CHOI Taehee
Oxford Education Research Symposium,
Oxford, UK. |
The Complexity Involved in Measuring Teachers’ Effectiveness: The Case of the Teaching English in English Scheme in South Korea.
March 2014 |
Dr.Theodore LEE &
Dr. Winnie SO
The 2nd International Symposium on Education, Psychology, Society and Tourism (ISEPST 2014),
Tokyo, Japan. |
Lessons Learned from Using Inquiry Learning Approach for Intellectually Disabled Students.
March 2014 |
Dr. Darren BRYANT,
Prof. Allan WALKER &
Dr. LEE Moo Sung
The IB Asia Pacific Annual Conference 2014,
Singapore. |
The International Baccalaureate Continuum:
Student, Teacher and School Outcomes.
March 2014 |
Dr. Edmond LAW
The ASCD Annual Conference 2014,
Los Angeles, USA. |
Promoting Administrator and Teacher Effectiveness.
(The International Panel to Discuss Administrator and Teacher Effectiveness)
January 2014 |
Prof. Philip HALLINGER
The 2nd Bangkok International Conference on Social Science (BICSS 2014),
Bangkok, Thailand. |
Accelerating Knowledge Production in East Asia: Implications for Strategic Research Development in ASEAN Universities.
January 2014 |
Dr. James KO &
Prof. Allan WALKER
The 27th ICSEI Congress,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. |
The Dynamic Roles of School Principals in Leading and Improving School Improvement in the 21st century: Lessons from Hong Kong.
January 2014 |
Dr. LIU Peng
The 27th ICSEI Congress,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. |
Motivating Teachers' Commitment by Transformational School Leadership in Chinese Urban Upper Secondary Schools.
January 2014 |
Dr. LIU Peng
The 27th ICSEI Congress,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. |
Understanding Chinese Transformational School Leadership.