Conference Presentations


Month & Year Speaker/Author Conference/Arena Topic
December 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong Hong Kong Education Policy Roundtable Forum,
Hong Kong.
Keynote Address:
Hong Kong Education Reforms in a Global Perspective:
Development, Review and Prospect.
December 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong International Conference,
Beijing, China.
Keynote Address:
School Management Improvement for Quality Enhancement
in Social Emotional Learning.
November 2014 Dr. CHOI Taehee Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association,
Hong Kong.
Translation of a National Foreign Language Literacy Policy through a Teacher Certification: Writerliness within a Readerly Policy.
November 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong Thailand’s Educational Leader Sympoisum 2014,
Keynote Address:
Towards the 3rd Wave Teacher Development for Learners of the 21st Century.
November 2014 Prof. Allan WALKER,
Prof.LEE Moosung &
Prof. Ewan WRIGHT
The 42nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society, Brisbane, Australia. The Emergence of Elite International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) Schools in China:
A Skyboxification Perspective.
November 2014 Dr. HE Pan &
Dr. Dora HO
The 3rd International Conference of Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA),
Penany, Malaysia.
Leadership for School-based Teacher Professional Development in Early Childhood Education:
A Study of Preschools in Hong Kong.
November 2014 Dr. Wang X &
Dr. Dora HO
The 3rd International Conference of Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA),
Penany, Malaysia.
Making a Place for Teachers’ Voice:
Understanding Shared Leadership in Western-Style Preschools in Hong Kong” and “A framework for understanding Chinese leadership: A cultural approach.
November 2014 Dr. Dora HO &
Dr. LIU Peng
The 3rd International Conference of Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA),
Penany, Malaysia.
Leadership for School-based Teacher Professional Development in Early Childhood Education:
A Study of Preschools in Hong Kong.
November 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong The International Conference on education reform review,
Hong Kong Education Reforms:
Review and Future Developments.
November 2014 Dr. LU Jiafang &
Prof. WANG Hong
Asia Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2014,
Hong Kong.
Keynote Address:
The Effects of Conflict Management Approaches on Decision Comprehensiveness and Trust
within School Leadership Teams.
November 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong The International Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Education Research,
Hong Kong.
Prospects of Education Research in Challenges of Globalization.
November 2014 Dr. QIAN Haiyan,
Prof. Allan WALKER &
Prof. YANG Xiaowei
The Annual Meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration,
Washington, USA.
Building and Leading Learning Cultures:
A Shanghai Case Study.
October 2014 Prof. Allan WALKER
IB Africa, Europe & Middle East Regional Conference 2014,
Rome, Italy.
Keynote Address:
Leadership (aspiring) – Forging Path
to Leadership in a Global Context.
October 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong Open Innovations Forum,
Moscow, Russia.
Keynote Address:
Dynamics in Education:
New Players and Models of Disruption.
September 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong The Malaysian Chinese Education Conference,
Keynote Address:
Education Reform and Future Development in Globalization: International Trends and Implications.
September 2014 Prof. Allan WALKER,
Dr. GU Qing &
Prof. Christopher DAY
The BERA 2014 Annual Conference,
London, UK.
Overview of the Research Design for Reshaping Educational Practice for Improvement: How Successful Schools Enact Government Reforms in England and Hong Kong.
September 2014 Prof. Allan WALKER,
Dr. GU Qing,
Prof. Christopher DAY,
Dr. Darren BRYANT,
Dr. James KO &
Dr. CHEN Junjun
The BERA 2014 Annual Conference,
London, UK.
How Successful Secondary Schools in England and Hong Kong Reshape External Educational Reforms:
Key Messages from the Research.
September 2014 Prof. Allan WALKER,
Dr. Darren BRYANT,
Dr. James KO,
Dr. GU Qing &
Prof. Christopher DAY
The BERA 2014 Annual Conference,
London, UK.
Enacting Values and Educational Purposes:
How Leaders of the Case Studies Schools Mediate Policy
for Improvement.
September 2014 Dr. CHEN Junjun,
Dr. James KO &
The BERA 2014 Annual Conference,
London, UK.
Models of the Perceived Impact of Headteacher Leadership on Improvements in Pupil Outcomes:
Results from the Survey Research on Senior and Middle Leaders.
September 2014 Prof. Christopher DAY,
Prof. Allan WALKER &
Dr. GU Qing
ECER 2014 -The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe,
How Successful School Leaders Mediate
and Enact Government Reforms.
July 2014 Dr.Annie CHENG &
Dr. Elson SZETO
BELMAS Conference 2014,
Ettington, UK.
Development of Teacher Leadership:
The Impact of Principal-teacher interactions.
July 2014 Dr. Elson SZETO &
Dr. Annie CHENG
BELMAS Conference 2014,
Ettington, UK.
Social Justice Leadership:
Opportunities and Challenges.
July 2014 Dr. Dora HO
International Forum on Early Childhood Education,
Hangzhou, China.
Leadership in Early Childhood Education for the Future:
The Experience of Hong Kong.
July 2014 Dr. Dora HO,
Dr. LEE Moosung &
Dr. TENG Yue
66th OMEP World Conference,
Professional Learning Community
in Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong.
May 2014 Dr. YANG Min,
Dr. Darren BRYANT,
Dr. HAN Chung Wai Christina,
Dr. LAM Bick-har &
Dr. LEE Tai-hoi, Theodore
Proceedings of Global Curriculum & Instruction Network (GCIN) Conference,
Hong Kong.
Exploring Teachers’ and Students’ Experiences of Assessment Feedback in Higher Education.
May 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong

The international symposium organized by the Ministry of Education of Israel Government,
Jerusalem, Israel.
School-based Management, Paradigm Shift
and Active Learning.
May 2014 Prof. Allan WALKER &
Dr. QIAN Haiyan

The First Asia Pacific Congress on Creating Inclusive Schools,
Sydney, Australia.
Pursuing Equity in a Hierarchical and Authoritarian Political System: The Case of Shanghai.
May 2014 Dr. LIU Peng
Transforming Canada-China Educational Cooperation: Significant Legacies and Future Challenges,
Beijing, China.
Comparing Chinese and Canadian Transformational School Leadership: A Cultural Analysis.
April 2014 Prof. CHENG Yin-cheong
2st Meeting of Tatweer International Advisory Committee,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Change Management with Key to Success.
April 2014 Prof. Allan WALKER,
Dr. Darren BRYANT &
Dr. James KO
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2014,
Philadelphia, USA.
How Do School Leaders in Hong Kong Shape Policy Enactment.
April 2014 Prof. Philip HALLINGER

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2014,
Philadelphia, USA.
Leading as Mutual Influence on Change in Schools’ Improvement Capacity.
April 2014 Mr CHEN Chia-wen &
Prof. WANG Wen-chung

National Council on Measurement in Education Annual meeting,
Philadelphia, USA.
Detecting Differential Statement Functioning in Ipsative Tests Using the Logistic Regression Method.
March 2014 Dr.CHOI Taehee

Oxford Education Research Symposium,
Oxford, UK.
The Complexity Involved in Measuring Teachers’ Effectiveness: The Case of the Teaching English in English Scheme in South Korea.
March 2014 Dr.Theodore LEE &
Dr. Winnie SO

The 2nd International Symposium on Education, Psychology, Society and Tourism (ISEPST 2014),
Tokyo, Japan.
Lessons Learned from Using Inquiry Learning Approach for Intellectually Disabled Students.
March 2014 Dr. Darren BRYANT,
Prof. Allan WALKER &
Dr. LEE Moo Sung

The IB Asia Pacific Annual Conference 2014,
The International Baccalaureate Continuum:
Student, Teacher and School Outcomes.
March 2014 Dr. Edmond LAW

The ASCD Annual Conference 2014,
Los Angeles, USA.
Promoting Administrator and Teacher Effectiveness.
(The International Panel to Discuss Administrator and Teacher Effectiveness)
January 2014 Prof. Philip HALLINGER

The 2nd Bangkok International Conference on Social Science (BICSS 2014),
Bangkok, Thailand.
Accelerating Knowledge Production in East Asia: Implications for Strategic Research Development in ASEAN Universities.
January 2014 Dr. James KO &
Prof. Allan WALKER

The 27th ICSEI Congress,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The Dynamic Roles of School Principals in Leading and Improving School Improvement in the 21st century: Lessons from Hong Kong.
January 2014 Dr. LIU Peng

The 27th ICSEI Congress,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Motivating Teachers' Commitment by Transformational School Leadership in Chinese Urban Upper Secondary Schools.
January 2014 Dr. LIU Peng

The 27th ICSEI Congress,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Understanding Chinese Transformational School Leadership.