Innovative Teaching Project: Creating a Situated Learning Environment for Constructing Knowledge |
Title:Innovative Teaching Project: Creating a Situated Learning Environment for Constructing Knowledge OBJECTIVES:
The key theme of this innovative course curriculum design is ‘situated learning’ which is proposed by Lave & Wenger (1990). As a learning theory in the same branch known as social constructivism, situated learning suggests that learning happens in the learning experience and knowledge acquisition of learners in activities of the real world and the context of learning represents the culture of a group of people who produce and use the knowledge (Vincini, 2003). To imply the theory, classroom-based learning can model the real workplace by presenting an authentic context to students and encouraging them to accomplish tasks that ‘interpret the real world’. Learners will immerse into a thinking process and acquire the knowledge in a community of practice (Kimble & Hildreth, 2008). Table 1 outlines the characteristics of situated learning and compares the situated learning environment with the traditional one. This curriculum design transforms traditional classroom setting to a community of practice which drives students to adopt a new learning approach to study. This is the most innovative aspect of this project. In this delivery approach, the classroom structure is completely changed to involve students as practitioners who have to come up with solutions and create products while scaffolds and resources will be provided by the teacher. This approach makes learning fun; at the same time it gives learners the responsibility of working out the problems with greater commitment, as they identify themselves as teachers to solve the problems related to their profession. |
Poster |
Practicing Blended Learning on a collaborative Platform – A Pilot Study in FEHD (2014-2016) 協作平台上使用混合式學習的調查 - 教院教育及人類發展學院(FEHD)內的試點研究 (2014-2016) |
Materials Sharing | Title:Practicing Blended Learning on a collaborative Platform – A Pilot Study in FEHD (2014-2016) 協作平台上使用混合式學習的調查 - 教院教育及人類發展學院(FEHD)的試點研究 (2014-2016) Details: This project aims to bring together colleagues of the FEHD to pilot blended learning (BL) as an innovation across the Institute. It introduces an inter-departmental platform coordinated by FEHD to support Faculty colleagues’ practice of BL. The project will consist of about 15 sub-projects or cases involving at least 600 students, where each case refers to a course of study taught by a project team member. Participating faculty (n=10) will utilize existing e-learning platforms and professional development events to plan ways in which to apply BL in their instruction. Throughout the study’s duration, the project’s leadership team will organize dissemination sessions to exchange lessons learned at the individual project level and an overall session to synthesize the outcomes at the meta-project level. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and analyzed. Pre- and post-course surveys will determine students’ levels of enthusiasm about their experiences with BL; whereas, teachers will evaluate their BL trial lessons through guided reflection on key domains of planning and delivery. Exemplars of blended learning course materials, a blended learning pedagogy/strategy inventory, a blended learning interest group seminar series, a case album containing individual blended learning projects, a column in a learning and teaching website are expected as outputs to be widely disseminated. Participating faculty and teams will, in addition, publish academic journal papers in order to publicize individual project findings and project overall results. The study may have great impact on student learning across programmes and disciplines in FEHD. The experience of promoting pedagogical innovation at the faculty level will be shared to make implication for institutional support to teachers at the time of change and reform of teaching in higher education. Author: LAM Bick Har, BRYANT Darren Anthony, ALVIAR Theresa Patricia B., BUCHTEL Emma Kathrin, CHAN Tsan Ming Kenneth, HAN Chung Wai Christina, HU Xinyun Annie, KING Ronnel Bornasal, LEUNG Wai Man Vivienne, MENEFEE Trey, SIN Wai Lam William, WONG Wai Ho Savio |
1-Sharing of BL_Bick Har Lam | 4-Sharing of BL_Emma E. K. Buchtel | |||||||||
2-Sharing of BL_Theresa P. B. Alviar | 5-Sharing of BL_Savio Wong | |||||||||
3-Sharing of BL_Darren A. Bryant (draft) | 6-Sharing of BL_Christina Han | |||||||||
Professional Development Activities | ||||||||||
7-Adopting Blended Learning and Preserving My Own teaching Style: A Narrative of Teaching Innovation by LAM, B. H. |
8-Constructivist Teaching through Blended Learning by ALVIAR, T. P. B.
9-Professional Learning on BL |
10-Evaluation of Outcomes of BL Project: Scale Presentation©2016 |
Conference Presentation | ||||||||||
11-Blended Learning @ FEHD-Stories from the Frontline by LAM, B. H. |
12-Practicing Blended Learning on a Collaborative Platform |
Poster | Blended Learning @ EdUHK: Stories from the Frontline September marked the culmination of a two-year Teaching Development Grant, Practicing Blended Learning on a Collaborative Platform - A Pilot Study in FEHD (Principal Project Supervisors: Lam Bick Har and Theresa Alviar, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction and Darren Bryant, Dept. of Education Policy and Leadership). The project involved ten colleagues from the six FEHD departments in implementing blended learning pedagogies. In order to reflect on project accomplishments and identify avenues of further development, the team invited Charles Graham, Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University, to provide feedback and friendly critique over a period of a week. The highlight of the week was Prof. Graham's presentation of 26 September entitled "Engaging Students and Faculty in Effective Blended Learning", which was followed by a brief project update by Dr. Lam and a poster presentation session. Nine posters were displayed for discussion during which Academic staff and students engaged in a lively exchange of ideas with the seminar speaker and project team leaders. This TDG is one of several initiatives in FEHD intended to stimulate innovation in blended and online learning. A key aim is that these enhancements of teaching and learning will not end with the projects, but that they will and should have a life of their own as more staff explore blended learning within their courses and develop capacities and insights to share with colleagues. |
Qualitative Analysis |
Alaviar, Theresa Patricia B_poster |
Christine C. W. Han_poster |
Lam, Bick Har_poster |
Darren A. Bryant_poster |
Savior, W.H Wong_poster |
Emma E. K. Buchtel_poster |
Sin, Wai Lam William_poster |
Identifying the potential of professional development to support academics in higher education(2016) 探求專業發展促進高等教育學者發展的可能性 (2016) |
Title: Details: Principle Investigator: |
Reflective Practice through Dialogues and Journal Writing |
Description: Teaching is multi-dimensional, at the basic level, it includes the selection of instructional materials, setting objectives, designing appropriate learning and assessment activities to support learners to learn effectively, managing classroom disciplines and creating a pleasant environment that engage students in learning. Teachers should also provide opportunities to cultivate various generic skills and meta-cognitive strategies of learners, equipping them the necessary skills to pursue life-long learning. Advanced communication skills are also useful for building up trustful relationships with students. Furthermore, being able to engage critically in self-reflection, professional exchange dialogues, and evaluation of one’s teaching are seen as the necessary traits of successful teachers. By and large, expertise of teaching cannot be achieved without training in the field. A key component in teacher training programme is attending practicum in schools and learning from the on-going reflection base on cycles of experiential learning in teaching. In the practicum setting, prospective teachers model the real life of what an ordinary teacher does in their jobs in the classroom; they gain different sources of support and engage in an active process of learning to advance their knowledge and skills in teaching. This experience may contribute significantly to the professional life of student-teachers as authentic experience is the most effective means of learning – which may result to changes in perspectives, attitudes, and better performance. Eventually, students can be more engaged in their professional life. This section shares the reflection of student-teachers’ post supervision learning on a specific lesson. The supervisor used pre- and post-supervision dialogue as an essential tool during the supervision, by introducing reflective prompts with a group of students who conducted teaching in schools. This prompt includes a set of questions which requires students to critically review on the aspects which they think that they have conducted effectively, the areas that they find problematic or still have room for improvement, and issues or potential ideas that they could further explore. Based on which, suggestions and recommendations are discussed, and the students then revise their lesson plans accordingly. The reflective essays are shared in this column, they were the evidences of learning which illustrate the authentic learning process of student teachers. If you are short of ideas of writing a reflection or you are guiding or mentoring students to do or write reflection, you may be interested in viewing some of the reflective episodes. If you have any comments and works to share, please email contact us via AClass at |
Materials Sharing |
Reflective Jourmal_Cheng Ming Sum |
Reflective Jourmal_Man Mei Ki |
Please cite as: |
Lesson Planning and Evaluation of Teaching | |||
Liberal Studies Teaching |
Topic:Renewable Energy in China |
Lesson Plan |
Other Material 1 |
English Language Teaching |
Topic: Demonstrative adjectives |
Lesson Plan |
Worksheet 1 |
Other Material 1 |
Other Material 2 |
Other Material 3 |
Other Material 4 |
Other Material 5 |
Educational Forum | |||
望子成龍 家長反教改 |
教育改革先要變大班學 |
教師需要爭取教學專業化 |
教師專業學科評審於事無補 |
讓教師以教育原則施教 |
大學教育的原則是什麼 |
師資培訓的發展方向 |
為何依靠政策難推動教改 |
南亞裔兒童的教育政策 |
成功的迷思 |
校本管理令辦學團體失色 |
三三四與考試壓力 |
為何學生不肯花時間學習 |
評估干擾了教育和學習 |
Please cite as: |
How Exemplary Teachers Enact Teaching - A Pilot Study (2012) 模範教師如何教學---一個試驗性的研究(2012) |
Chinese | Title: How Exemplary Teachers Enact Teaching - A Pilot Study (2012) 模範教師如何教學---一個試驗性的研究(2012) Details: This is a sharing corner of a project entitled "Studying Exemplary Teachers' Knowledge - A Pilot Study. The study aims to investigate how exemplary teachers enact teaching in classroom, to inquire on how exemplary teachers conceptualize specific classroom situations and what are the knowledge and skills they use in teaching. The construct of study is based upon a combination of terms in the literature which includes “knowledge-in-action” (Dewey, 1974), “practical knowledge-in-action (Van Manen, 2008), and “procedural knowledge” and “declarative knowledge” in social cognition research (Wyer & Srull, 1994). Shulman’s (1986) teacher knowledge framework is largely referenced in constructing the study. The pilot study attempts to explore the methodology and pilot test the feasibility of the study in smaller scale. In this project, field studies on four secondary school teachers who teach Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies were initiated in a local secondary school in Hong Kong, at least two researchers who are teacher educator were involved in observing each lesson and exchange of views between observers were a crucial step in data collection. The researchers are teacher educators from the research team. The methods of study include lesson observation, stimulated recall interview, post-lesson reflective record and survey. A total of thirteen classes were observed with an average of three lessons being observed for each teacher on a class in junior forms. The data analysis follows the rules of grounded theory; a protocol has been built upon multiple sources of data which has resulted to several areas of concern of teachers and the sequence of operationalizing teaching actions. The following sessions present a total of 20 films which demonstrate the effective teaching skills of the sample on specific topics. Please click on the table for browsing. 這是一個名為“模範教師如何教學---一個試驗性的研究”的分享園地。這個研究的目的是探討模範教師們如何在課室內進行教學,教師在教學時如何具體地將獨特的,不同的課室情景概念化,以及他們在教學的時候運用了什麽類型的知識和技巧。這個研究是建基於一系列包括了“行動中的知識” (Dewey, 1974),“實踐性行動中的知識” (Van Manen, 2008),社會認知研究(Wyer & Srull, 1994)裏的“程序性知識”及“陳述性知識”這些字眼的文獻之上。在構思這項研究時,很大程度的參考了Shulman(1986)的教師知識架構。這項研究嘗試小規模地去發掘方法學和先導測試研究的可行性。 在是次研究中,我們實地考察了來自香港本地中學,分別教授中文,英文,數學和通識科的四位教師。在觀察每一節課的時候,至少有兩位從事教師培訓工作的研究者會參與觀察,而研究者之間的意見交流是收集資料時的一個重要步驟。研究者們是研究隊伍中從事教師培訓工作的人士。研究方法包括了觀課,刺激回想訪問,課後反思記錄和調查。研究總共觀察十三個課節,平均每位老師都有三個教授初中班級的課節被觀察。數據的分析是基於理論的規則,而我們和複數的數據來源定下協議,而這導致老師們在某幾個方面的關注以及教學行為的順序。 下面的部份分別示範了在不同主題之下有效的教學方法。請點擊下列目錄觀看 Please cite as: Lam, B. H., Chan, K. W. P., Cheng, C. K., Lim, C. & Zhang, Y. (2013). Studying exemplary teachers. Retrieved from Author: Lam Bick Har, Chan Kam Wing Paul, Cheng Chi Keung Eric, Lim Cher Ping, Zhang Yuefeng Ellen |
English | ||
Liberal Studies | ||