



The Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education (CSENIE) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) organised the Support Unit for Special Education Needs (SuSEN) carnival cum public education conference at the TKO Study Centre on 25 May to share the achievements of the three-year Swire Group Charitable Trust donation project and its outcomes with the community.


A variety of programmes were staged to promote social inclusion and learning through play, including professional seminars, experiential activities, service exhibitions and booth activities. More than 200 families, alumni of EdUHK, and other members of the public joined the event to learn more about different supportive strategies and a range of special educational support services available to the community.


The event was supported by the Swire Group Charitable Trust, artiste Michelle Yim, and various units, with about 80 professionals, EdUHK students and parents as volunteers.