The World Association of Lesson
Studies International Conference 2007
Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to join us at the
World Association of Lesson Studies International Conference
2007 (WALS 07).
The World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) is an association
among educational researchers and teaching professionals from
various countries in the world who are dedicated to educational
research that focuses directly on improving the quality of
learning in classrooms and other formal learning environments
through pedagogical experiments or action research.
Over the past decades, innovative
pedagogical attempts have been developed in different parts
of the world. Amongst such, Lesson Study has been successful
and effective in enhancing teaching and learning as well
as facilitating teachers’ professional
development and development of schools as learning communities.
The first and second annual conferences on Learning Study
were organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Education
in 2005 and 2006. It brought together educators and teachers
from China, Japan, Singapore, the US, the UK, Sweden, Iran
and Hungary to share their experience and practice in Lesson
Studies. The events have provided a useful and convivial
platform to discuss issues pertaining to teaching and learning.
WALS (The World Association of Lesson Studies) was established
against this background in 2006, to support professional development
of members and advancement of Lesson/ Learning Study by sharing
knowledge, resources and pedagogical development generated
through practices undertaken by various members.
As the Conference organizers, we would like
to openly invite academics and teachers from various countries
and regions to join this grand event - WALS 07. It will
surely provide a unique opportunity and an international
educational arena where teaching practitioners and academics
can share their findings and build up network for further
Look forward to seeing you at WALS 07.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. KO Po Yuk
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
of the Conference