SSPS PhD student published articles on loneliness among older adults in Hong Kong
Ms Vivien Tang Foong Yee, a PhD student who is currently under Professor Chou Kee-lee's supervision, has recently published a series of articles: two on open access and one in press. These papers studied the relationship between poverty and examined material deprivation and loneliness among older adults in Hong Kong.

SWU Faculty of Social Science Visits The Education University of Hong Kong on July 23, 2024
SWU Faculty of Social Science Visits The Education University of Hong Kong on July 23, 2024
In a bid to foster international academic collaboration, the Faculty of Social Science at Srinakharinwirot University (SWU), Thailand, visited The Education University of Hong Kong. The delegation, led by Dr Fox Hu, the Acting Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies, engaged in extensive discussions covering four key areas of mutual interest.


伍鳳嫦博士接受香港電台訪問 探討橫台山多元文化和共融

SSPS Public Policy Summer School Concludes Successfully
A Public Policy Summer School organized by the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies was held from 14 July to 19 July at The Education University of Hong Kong. 40 students and faculty members from different universities and organisations in Mainland China and Thailand participated in the event.