Department Meeting

The Departmental Meeting is the major “Committee” of the Department representing all members of the Department. More specifically, its terms of reference are:

  • To provide an avenue for dissemination of information relevant to the Department;
  • To provide an open forum for discussion of, and make decisions about all matters related to the Department and its offerings;
  • To encourage developments in the Department through its committees and other Departmental bodies that might be established from time to time;
  • To act upon recommendations arising from its deliberations;
  • To receive and discuss reports from relevant Departmental committees, and other bodies that may be established from time to time;
  • To notify Faculty Executive Meeting (FEM) of relevant Departmental deliberations and make recommendations to FEM where appropriate;
  • To facilitate the monitoring of Departmental operations; and
  • To notify other relevant Institute bodies of its deliberations, if relevant.

Acting Head of Department (Dr YUM Yen Na, Cherry)
All Academic & Teaching Staff, Eunice, Mike

Secretary: Ms CHAN Sze Wai, Winnie