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InnerTalk - Accomplishment and Meaning

Ignited Summer Programme@EdUHK

Positive Education Series - InnerTalk - Accomplishment and Meaning


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Deadline: 16 June 2021 (Wednesday) Noon


What is the meaning of life? Everyone has different pursuit in their lives, and everyone has different definitions of success. Completing the "successful" goals set by others will not necessarily give you a sense of accomplishment. Without a sense of accomplishment, the seemingly majestic results will become meaningless to you. Don't want to walk around aimlessly everyday? You are welcome to participate in the InnerTalk Workshop and redefine your sense of accomplishment and meaning in life with us.







17 June 2021 (Thursday)

14:30 – 16:00

Session 1

Ms. Alice Kwok

Student Affairs Office

28 June 2021 (Monday)

14:30 – 16:00

Session 2


Venue: ZOOM


Language: English


Eligibility: All UGC-funded students



If you wish to know more, feel free to follow us on social media!

Instagram: leadership_eduhk_sao

Facebook: Leadership_eduhk_SAO


Should you have any enquiries, please contact Alice Wong at 2948 6219 or email to le@eduhk.hk