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Career Development Service
EdUHK Career Fair


Greetings from the Career Development Service of the Student Affairs Office!


We are delighted to update you on the recent success of our Career Fair 2024. And we are now actively gearing up for the upcoming Career Fair 2025. We value your continued support and are committed to enhancing our career development initiatives.


Stay tuned to our website for the latest updates and information. We look forward to sharing more details with you soon.



Join the EdUHK Career Fair and Connect with Top Talent!

Why Participate?

  • Access to a Diverse Talent Pool: EdUHK is renowned for its comprehensive range of faculties, including the Faculty of Education and Human Development, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities, By participating in the fair, you gain access to a diverse talent pool with students specialising in various fields relevant to your organisation


  • Engage with Future Leaders: EdUHK students are passionate, driven, and equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their respective fields. By participating in the fair, you have the opportunity to engage with these future leaders and identify potential candidates who can contribute to the growth and success of your organisation.


  • Promote Your Employer Brand: The EdUHK Career Fair 2024 provides an excellent platform for you to showcase your organisation's values, mission, and culture to a highly attentive audience. By actively participating in the fair, you can build strong brand awareness among students, establishing your organisation as an employer of choice.


Event Highlights:

  • In-person Exhibition: Set up an exhibition booth to showcase your organisation's job opportunities, internships, and graduate programs. Engage with students directly, network with potential candidates, and establish meaningful connections.


  • Career Development Training and Recruitment Talk: Conduct specialised training sessions or recruitment talks to enhance students' career skills and promote career opportunities. This is a fantastic opportunity to share your expertise and establish your organisation as a thought leader in your field.


EdUHK Career Fair 2024’s Highlight



EdUHK Career Fair 2023's Highlight

Ms. Ozzy Tsui

Student Development Manager

Career Development Service, Student Affairs Office,
The Education University of Hong Kong
E-mail: owltsui@eduhk.hk