
Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Undergraduate and Sub-degree programmes

You must settle all outstanding fees/charges/library liabilities before collecting your award certificate. Otherwise, the University will withhold the issuance of all types of academic documents to you (including Statement of Results, Award Certificates and Transcripts).
The following table illustrates the Certificate Collection Period for graduates with the respective graduation dates:
Students graduating by the end of Date/Period of Approval by Academic Board (AB) Graduation DateNote1 Certificate
Collection PeriodNote3
Semester 1 By 31 March 31 August Mid of October
Semester 2 By 31 August
Summer SemesterNote2 By 31 October 31 October Mid of November ~ 
Early December 
(to be confirmed)
  1. The “Graduation Date” would be adopted formally as the issuance date and printed in the graduates’ award certificates. The Graduation Date, as approved by AB, is irreversible and irrevocable
  2. Applicable to all programmes including those with a lengthened Semester 2 extending to the summer (e.g. some individual students who have outstanding courses for completion in Summer Semester to graduate).
  3. Details of the arrangement of certificate collection will be released nearer the time by Registry.
  4. The dates listed above are based on the dates/periods by which the AB would approve the recommended graduation list for respective programmes submitted by the Faculty Board/Board of Graduate Studies according to the Grade Release Schedule announced on the Registry website. 
  5. If final-year students would like to apply for their Transcript of Studies, they should note that their final award, graduation status and the respective Graduation Date will only be shown on the transcript after AB’s approval of their award is sought.

Last Update: Jun 2024