Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences


 The missions of the Centre are as follows:

  • facilitate the integration of interdisciplinary studies into experiential learning;
  • conduct commissioned/ consultancy/ research/ learning and teaching projects and activities related to interdisciplinary and experiential learning;
  • support the new undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum reform as it relates to the development of integrated learning, interdisciplinary courses, experiential learning and field studies;
  • promote research and teaching related to interdisciplinary school subjects and studies, such as Geography, Life and Society, General Studies, Global Studies, Hong Kong Studies, Global and Environmental Studies, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, Tourism, Policy, Gender, Sustainability, and Citizenship studies;
  • network with experts and researchers from different disciplines within and outside of the Centre to work on projects and consultancies related to the integration of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and experiential learning areas and field studies; and
  • integrate research/ scholarly/ professional consultancy outcomes into the enhancement of various university curricula and pedagogies in the related programmes at the degree and postgraduate-degree levels.