Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Date 2022-03-03
Time 15:00 - 17:00
E-mail mshingyuen@eduhk.hk
Tel 29487555


Dear colleagues and students,


You are cordially invited to attend the following virtual seminar organized by the Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Experiential Learning (RCISEL) of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, The Education University of Hong Kong. Please find the details below:

                                                             Virtual Seminar

Research on civics and citizenship education during/beyond the pandemic



3 March 2022 (Thursday)


3:00 pm - 5:00 p.m. 




Online Zoom meeting


(Zoom link: https://eduhk.zoom.us/j/97832939165?pwd=TlVNY2I1QjB4dGtBbmtUTFlXdW1HUT09


Meeting ID: 978 3293 9165

Passcode: 766299)


Professor Toshinori Kuwabara

Okayama University, Japan

Dr. Vishalache Balakrishnan
Associate Professor

Director of Centre for Research in International and Comparative Education (CRICE)

Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Speaker & Moderator: 

Dr. Eric King-man Chong
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences

Head, Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Experiential Learning

The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China

About the speakers and topics:

Speaker: Professor Toshinori Kuwabara

Topic: International Exchange and Fostering Global Citizenship amidst the Spread of Coronary Infections

Abstract: This presentation reports on last year's exchange program between Okayama University students and Virginia Tech students in the United States to foster global citizenship. Due to the spread of the corona infection, it became difficult to meet in person, so we decided to conduct the exchange online. During the exchange, students worked on a project to compare the descriptions in junior high school history textbooks in Japan, the United States, and China.

Speaker: Dr. Vishalache Balakrishnan

Topic: Inclusiveness and Social Justice for Minorities in a Multicultural Nation: Case Studies from Malaysia

Abstract: In the current post Covid-19 pandemic era, the world today is in perpetual conflict. Many individuals and groups are moving across the globe, escaping from the local destruction and hoping for a better future in a different state, nation or continent. There are unresolved tensions between the state and the people in terms of equality, equity, and long standing policies and practices around education. Reindal (2016) has suggested that we should spend more time considering ethical issues around inclusion, rather than focussing on specifics of pedagogy or curriculum. Appropriate transformations in the digital and educational fields could support such ethical changes in society. Multiple case studies are being conducted on human experiences and the hope for inclusion and social justice especially among the vulnerable minority society.

Speaker: Dr. Eric King-man Chong

Topic: A review of research on civics and citizenship education under COVID-19 pandemic: What can we learn from them?

Abstract: Global pandemic has affected many aspects of civics and citizenship education such as engagement, participation, rights, responsibilities, and even ideologies. This study reviews and identifies the trends of research on civics and citizenship education developments, especially those research based on the various impacts caused by social media, technology changes, and politics under the COVID-19 pandemic.

Online Registration: https://forms.gle/izYR7GbxMPDMxQey9

All are welcome to join the virtual seminar. You may also refer to the poster attached for details. For enquiries, please contact Miss Mak at +852 2948 7555 or via email at mshingyuen@eduhk.hk

Thank you for your attention. We are looking forward to seeing you there!


Yours faithfully,


The Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Experiential Learning (RCISEL)

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

The Education University of Hong Kong