
Quality Assurance Council (QAC) was formally established in April 2007 as a semi-autonomous non-statutory body under the aegis of the University Grants Committee (UGC). The QAC's mission is:

  • To assure that the quality of educational experience in all programmes at the levels of sub-degree, first degree and above (however funded) offered in UGC-funded universities is sustained and improved, and is at an internationally competitive level; and
  • To encourage universities to excel in this area of activity.


One of the QAC's core operational tasks is to conduct institutional audits. The audits are intended to assure the UGC and the public that institutions deliver on the promises they make in their role and mission statements. All UGC-funded institutions are required to undergo a quality audit conducted by the QAC. The first and second audit cycles on first degree and above operations were completed in 2011 and 2016 respectively, while the sub-degree audit cycle was completed in 2019.  The third audit cycle covering all programmes at the levels of sub-degree, first degree and above will take place from 2022 to 2023.


This QAC Audit website aims to provide colleagues with updated and useful information and documents on the preparation and follow-up work of the quality audits.