Faculty of Education and Human Development

Archive-PSCL 2021/22

All Teaching Materials in 2021/22


06 Jan 2022 (M3 Curriculum Leadership) (Tutor: Prof. TSUI Kwok Tung)

M3 PowerPoint


13 Jan 2022 (M8S1 Action Research Project and Reflective Practices: Lecture) (Tutor: Dr. ZHANG Yuefeng Ellen)

M8S1 PowerPoint

M8S1 Worksheet


20 Jan 2022 (M1S1 Curriculum Change) (Tutor: Dr. YIP Yam Wing Stephen) 

M1S1 PowerPoint

M1S1 Worksheet


27 Jan 2022 (M1S2 Curriculum Change) (Tutor: Dr. YIP Yam Wing Stephen)

M1S2 PowerPoint

M1S2 Worksheet

school case (pre-lesson study)


10 Feb 2022 (M1S3 Curriculum Change) (Tutor: Dr. YIP Yam Wing Stephen)

M1S3 PowerPoint

M1S3 Worksheet


17 Feb 2022 (M4 Curriculum Management) (Tutor: Prof. TSUI Kwok Tung)

M4 PowerPoint


24 Feb 2022 (M8S2 Action Research Project and Reflective Practices) (Tutor: Dr. LEUNG Ka Wai Marina)

M8S2 PowerPoint

M8S2 Worksheet

M8S2 Case Study

17 Mar 2022 M6S1 Curriculum-based Assessment (Tutor: Dr. YAN, Zi)

M6S1 PowerPoint (PDF format) 


24 Mar 2022 M6S2 Curriculum-based Assessment (Tutor: Dr. YAN, Zi)

M6S2 PowerPoint (PDF format) 


31 Mar 2022 M6S3 Curriculum-based Assessment (Tutor: Dr. YAN, Zi)

M6S3 PowerPoint (PDF format) 


7 Apr 2022 M7 Professional Development and Organizational Learning (Tutor: Prof. KO, Po Yuk)

M7 PowerPoint (PDF format) 


5 May 2022 M5 Learning Theories and their Applications in Catering for Learning Diversity (Tutor: Dr. LEUNG, Ka Wai)

M5 PowerPoint (PDF format)


12 May 2022 M2S1 Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation (Tutor: Dr. FOK, Ping Kwan)

M2S1 PowerPoint (PDF format)

M2S1 Guest Speaker PowerPoint (PDF format)

M2S1 Worksheet

M2S1 Appendix


19 May 2022 M2S2 Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation (Tutor: Dr. FOK, Ping Kwan)

M2S2 PowerPoint (PDF format)

M2S2 Worksheet

M2S2 Appendix